“Social media is just people posting pictures of what they had for breakfast” is a common refrain from those who have no interest in or can’t figure out things like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. It may be said even more by lawyers, who have a reputation of not being the most enthusiastic new adopters of technology.

In his Attorney at Work article “10 Social Media Misconceptions, Revised” Jared Correia sets out to debunk (or at least soften) some of the common misconceptions
lawyers have about using social media to communicate with clients or market their practices.

He looks at claims like “I don’t have time”, “it won’t make me any money”, “it’s an ethics minefield” and tries to show how they either aren’t true, or don’t necessarily have to be roadblocks to having an online presence.

For those wishing to learn more about how to effectively navigate social media in a legal environment, check out practicePRO’s Dos and Don’ts of using LinkedIn and Twitter, and Social Media Pitfalls to Avoid.