Apply for your LAWPRO Risk Management Credit by September 15
Save up to $100 on your 2015 LAWPRO premium by completing the online Risk Management Premium Credit declaration form no later than midnight on September 15, 2014.
In addition to claiming the credit for attending in person at LAWPRO-approved CPD courses, you may also claim the credit for completing archived versions of LAWPRO-approved programs, provided you watch or listen to the entire program and have a copy of the program materials. Completing three modules of LAWPRO’s Online Coaching Centre also qualifies you for one $50 credit.
Note: Attendance at a qualifying CPD program will NOT automatically generate the LAWPRO Risk Management Credit. To receive the credit on your 2015 invoice, you must complete the online Declaration Form on LAWPRO’s website.
For the 2015 policy year, over 270 CPD programs were approved for the credit, with a combined attendance of approximately 53,000. A list of past and upcoming approved programs is available online.
If a program you attended is not on our approved list, either the CPD provider did not submit it to us or it did not have the risk management content we require. Note, the approval for the LAWPRO Risk Management Credit is a different and separate process from the approval for the Law Society’s CPD Requirement.
LAWPRO believes it is critical for its members to incorporate risk management strategies into their practices, and that the use of risk management tools and resources will help reduce claims. The LAWPRO Risk Management Credit is intended to encourage lawyers to attend CPD programs that contain significant risk management content that will help them avoid claims. For more information on how we determine which CPD programs qualify for the Risk Management Premium Credit, click here.
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