Separation agreement scam using the name Marlene Cox
Description of Potential Fraud:

[Updated May 2014]
Twenty firms in Ontario and the U.S. have notified us that they received an email from the purported Marlene Cox looking to retain them with regards to a collecting overdue payments resulting from a separation agreement.
This is a classic bad cheque scam that presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. In this scam lawyers will be duped into wiring real funds from their trust accounts after depositing a fake cheque received as payment from the debtor (who is part of the fraud). See our Confirmed Fraud Page for more of an explanation of how these frauds work and to see other names associated with it. Our Fraud Fact Sheet lists the red flags of a bogus legal matter that is really a fraud.
Here is the initial email sent by the fraudster to the lawyer, and subsequent reply:
Marlene Cox [email protected]
14/03/2014 02:38 AM
Dear Counsel,
I’m requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband. If you are interested in rendering this service, please kindly advice immediately for
more details.
Yours truly
Email: [email protected]
Marlene Cox
Replying to the email brought this response:
Good day to you and is was nice talking to you. I am currently in Japan for an assignment. My ex husband Alan Cox and I were divorced in Japan but he has since relocated to the United States and he is also a citizen.
The legal description of my case involved both of us agreeing under a Spousal and Child’s settlement agreement, merged into and made part of the final judgment of dissolution of marriage for a settlement of child support, spousal support, and medical support of US$1,255,070.00, of which US$371,150.00 has been remitted by him leaving a balance of US$883,920.00 to be paid. This is the reason why I contacted you as there is already an agreement in place. I know for sure my ex husband has the financial means to pay for the balance he owes me. He is aware of my intention to seek legal actions. Thus, I request your legal services to enforce the court order compelling him to remit the balance he owed. Attached for your perusal is a copy of the Settlement Agreement, and the Court Decree of Divorce, and I will be pleased to provide further information on this case on request. I expect this to be a non-litigation matter.
If you are interested in representing me to enforce payment, let me know your hourly billing rate, forward the draft retainer agreement of your firm and mode of remitting payment for the retainer so we can proceed.
Marlene Cox
How to handle a real or suspected fraud
If you have been targeted by any of these frauds, please forward any of the emails and supporting documents that you have received to [email protected].
If you suspect you are acting on a matter that might be a fraud, call LAWPRO at 1-800-410-1013 (416-598-5899). We will talk you through the common fraud scenarios we are seeing and help you spot red flags that may indicate you are being duped. This will help you ask appropriate questions of your client to determine if the matter is legitimate or not. If the matter you are acting on turns out to be a fraud and there is a potential claim, we will work with you to prevent the fraud and minimize potential claims costs.
If you have been successfully duped, please immediately notify LAWPRO as there may be a claim against you. Instructions on how to report a claim are here.
For more immediate updates on fraud and claims prevention, subscribe to the email or RSS feed updates from LAWPRO’s AvoidAClaim blog.
Fraud Fact Sheet More fraud prevention information and resources are available on the practicePRO Fraud page, including the Fraud Fact Sheet, a handy reference for lawyers and law firm staff that describes the common frauds and the red flags that can help identify them.
March 24, 2014 at 12:44 pm, Michelle said:
Our office received an email inquired on 3-21-14, starting with …Dear Counsel, Thank you for the response to my inquiry. My name is Marlene Cox and I am currently in Japan for an assignment. My ex husband Alan Cox and I were divorced in Japan but he has since relocated to the United States and he is also a citizen.
If you are interested in representing me to enforce payment, let me know your hourly billing rate, forward the retainer agreement of your firm and mode of remitting payment for the retainer so we can proceed. Regards, Marlene Cox.
An attachment was provided but our office did not access it. Thank you for reporting this scam.
April 16, 2014 at 1:20 pm, Mary said:
I received the following e-mail to my PERSONAL e-mail address:
“Re: Can you help?
My Ex-husband resides in your state and has defaulted with payments agreed upon divorce. Please is there any chance you can help me enforce our agreement? please kindly advice immediately for more details.
Yours truly
Marlene Cox”
The e-mail address is [email protected]. Thank you for helping people confirm that this is spam.
May 20, 2014 at 10:55 am, Dan W. Taliaferro said:
I am an attorney in Montgomery, Alabama. On May 20, 2014, I have received an email from “Marlene Cox” requesting my legal assistance in recovering approximately one million dollars in child support arrears. Her story is much the same as cited here. She is supposedly in Japan, was allegedly divorced in Japan, and her husband is represented to be a wealthy man residing in Alabama. I was sent two copies of purported Japanese court documents and a copy of a passport in the name of Marlene Cox.
Suspecting it was a scam, I did not reply. I believe I received the same email many months ago.
June 11, 2014 at 4:17 pm, D.C. said:
We received this email in Chicago, IL, identical to the one above, just this past week.
June 25, 2014 at 10:20 am, Shea Maliszewski said:
Received the same as above, it’s a definite scam.
July 09, 2014 at 12:34 pm, Pete McGrath said:
Received a very similar e-mail yesterday for Marlene Cox and responded requesting a phone consultation. This morning I received a second e-mail containing a fraudulent: (1) Separation and Property Settlement Agreement; (2) Divorce Judgment; and (3) Passport. No good. My office is located in Buffalo, New York.
July 16, 2014 at 11:19 am, Adam Shefki said:
Thanks for this. Just got the same e-mail, obviously a scam, and I’m glad to see this confirms it when I put her name into Google.
The e-mail I got originated from [email protected]. Same text as above.
September 09, 2014 at 2:55 pm, Melissa Willis said:
We just got this email last week and I responded to her. She emailed me back a huge long response in addition to a copy of her passport, divorce decree and settlement agreement.
Dear Attorney XXXX XXXXX,
Thank you for your response to my request for legal service. My name is Marlene Cox, I reside in Japan and as a result of time difference, it’s a little bit difficult to reach you, nevertheless I will call you to discuss my case with you but i would like to explain briefly to you about my enforcement case against my ex-husband (Alan Cox).
I Marlene Cox and my ex-husband (Alan Cox) were lawfully married on 20th of June, 1991, at Nagoya Family Court, Nagoya-shi, in Japan with 3 kids and as a result of some certain problems in our marriage we decided to separate and part ways by divorce and both of us agreed to live separately.
Myself and my ex-husband have made a complete, fair and accurate disclosure to each other regarding all financial matters and my ex-husband agree to make a onetime settlement cash payment of $1,255,070.00 (One Million Two Hundred And Twenty Five Thousand, Seventy Dollars) for Family Support which consist of Child Support $487,450.00, Medical Support $398,120.00 And Spousal Support $369,500.00, which was incorporated into the divorce decree and our separation agreement. And my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has only paid the sum of $371,150.00 to me, on account of the family support, ever since he has refuse to pay up the balance amount and the deadline for him to remit the balance amount has long elapse since November 20th 2013, so for this reason i would like to retain your services, for you to enforce the divorce decree and the settlement agreement against my ex-husband, so that he can pay up the balance, most especially for the child support. After the divorce my ex-husband (Alan Cox) relocated back to his home country (USA), where he now resides in Carneys Point, New Jersey. USA.
Be rest assured that my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has the financial means to settle up the balance amount owe to me but he has refused to comply with the settlement agreement and the court decree. Furthermore, I seek to retain your firm for the purpose of enforcing the court decree and the settlement agreement against my ex-husband (Alan Cox), Also i would need you to send me copies of your Firm Retainer Agreement/Contract Agreement Documents and if the terms are acceptable by me, I will proceed in retaining your services. Also Attached to the email is the Divorce Decree and the Settlement Agreement between me and my ex-husband.
I await your Firm Retainer Agreement/Contract Agreement Documents as soon as possible.
Truly Yours,
Marlene Cox
September 10, 2014 at 1:34 pm, Georgia Williams said:
Marlene is alive and well. She wrote to me in June, July and today (she must take August off). Thanks-but-no-thanks does not work with her. Sheesh!
September 10, 2014 at 1:58 pm, Attorney B said:
Interesting that I received this message by email also – and the attachments from the court in Japan were all written in english. That was the red flag for me. The initial contact came to me via our website contact form.
December 29, 2014 at 3:19 pm, georgia williams said:
Marlene is back! She asked to contact me via Linkedin. What a pest.
December 30, 2014 at 4:09 am, Kristina said:
This lady by the name of Marlene Cox sent me an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. I immediately googled her and found about the scam. I then removed her from my contacts.
I can’t believe she/he dared to try to scam lawyers, of all people.
January 03, 2015 at 11:24 am, Crystal said:
“Marlene Cox” sent me an email this morning via LinkedIn. I posted your helpful post to my shared emails list. Hopefully we will all prevent her from duping people. Thanks for information sharing. (I love Google! Makes life feel so much more safe. :-).)
January 05, 2015 at 5:45 pm, Corey said:
I also received 2 different emails via LinkedIn. I will also re post this to my contacts & shared emails. A simple google search on her name plus Japan brought me here. Thank You All. Happy New Years 2015 !
January 07, 2015 at 10:25 am, Nichola said:
I received an email from Marlene Cox this week also. I have forwarded her email and contents to the fraud email in this article. Once they send me information on their matter that looks suspicious I don’t respond because if I respond and say we are not interested they continue to correspond.
January 15, 2015 at 2:03 pm, Topeka Attorney said:
As of January 8, 2015, I have received the Marlene Coxx (her spelling) email, and mine also was a byproduct of Linkedin. If you follow her Linkedin connections they are numerous attorneys and it looks like a lawyer referral service, but with this may very well be a list of all she has hit via Linked In, I don’t know.
She also forwarded supposed court documents, a 2009 Japanese passport copy good to 2019 including a picture of her and the settlement agreement. The amounts in them are ranging from the hundreds of thousands to $1.2 million for family support and so on, and it is very straight forward paperwork. Too much so for that level of divorce. There is also a cover email referencing how it all came to be with them meeting while the ex was in the service. So the money doesn’t fit that scenario. The passport photo is of a 41 year old woman at the time taken and I can’t say it’s the Linked In photo of her or not since it would be a 5 years newer photo, but it really doesn’t look like her, nor does the woman in the passport look 41. I didn’t move it along far enough to get past this as the Linked In contact had enough bells and whistles.
January 21, 2015 at 10:17 am, Linda McMahon said:
Our firm received an inquiry this week from Marlene as well. I responded to the initial inquiry and received the very lengthy response from her. The details were basically the same, except her ex-husband was residing here in Florida. I thought it was a scam and did not want to open the attachments for fear of a virus. Thanks for all the posts here. They confirmed my suspicions.
January 28, 2015 at 2:41 pm, Ronald McClelland said:
Today I received documentation from someone calling herself “Marlene Cox”, describing herself as being from Japan using similar documents and requesting the same information and assistance. Lazy scammer does not even change her script or approach. The government in Ontario enforces arrears of support, not lawyers. She doesn’t even say if her ex-husband is in Ontario. What a hoot. Seems to require a geography lesson or two. I am not responding to her.
Is there not enough evidence for some police force somewhere to investigate attempted fraud?
The “avoid a claim blog” has a listing of many such similar if not identical
attempts by “Marlene”. I wonder if the law of averages will snare some unsuspecting lawyer? I hope not.
February 06, 2015 at 2:28 pm, Pat Schilling said:
Dear Attorney’s:
I am not an attorney. Unfortunately, I am the individual that has the phone number that Marlene Cox’s is putting into her emails. I have now received over 30 calls from attorney’s in the past 5 days. So as to protect my number I supply you with the last four digits “1732”. Please, if you are reading this, do not call me as I am not in need of an attorney. It would be nice if you guys could kindly reply to the email and inform her that you are aware of her “scam” and that you have heard from the individual that owns the phone number she is providing. Thank you!
February 12, 2015 at 10:53 am, Lawyer in Norfolk said:
I received this scam using the same names, but they apparently did bother to change the “husband’s” current location to Norfolk, Virginia. Alan Cox sure does get around. Admittedly, the first email I received was from a gmail account, was only addressed to my office and was very basic and very much like an email I might receive from a legitimate prospective client (i.e. no references to being overseas), so I sent a simple follow-up (phone number and invitation to call). Today I received the more detailed email with the same attachments as everyone else in this thread has referenced. I immediately go to Google anytime I get any inquiry from overseas and have yet to see one that doesn’t appear to be fraudulent.
February 16, 2015 at 6:41 pm, Stella Jackson said:
In Birmingham, Alabama, and I received several e-mails from this “woman” and her purported ex, Dr. Alan Cox, before my law clerk googled her and we found this article.
Details were similar to the posts here, except she said her “ex” is living in Alabama. Her “ex” even started e-mailing me as well. So irritating. Thanks for the posts! Hopefully they will keep others from falling for this, as well!
March 08, 2015 at 3:15 pm, Mary said:
This scam unfortunately continues to circulate.
From: Marlene Cox
Date:03-08-2015 11:02 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Legal Service needed
Dear Counsel,
I’m requesting immediate legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband. If you are interested in rendering this service, please kindly advice immediately for more details.
Yours truly
Marlene Cox
March 18, 2015 at 4:20 pm, Alaina said:
I was a victim of this scam, unfortunately. No money lost as my bank caught it quickly but I feel foolish for not looking into this more. I am new to practice so I’m guessing that played a part in them contacting me. I have turned everything into the FBI and local authorities and even told the frauders they have been turned in…still getting emails from them to this day. It’s insane. I hope no one else is as unlucky as I was to be pulled into this…
April 08, 2015 at 8:00 pm, Texas said:
Have any of you had any transactions in real estate with Marlene Cox in the Dallas Texas area?
April 09, 2015 at 11:09 am, TimLemieux said:
No, but we often see the same names used in different kinds of scams.
September 18, 2015 at 8:58 am, Phil said:
I have received this email multiple times. The first time I responded by letting the person know it wasn’t my area of law. But it hasn’t stopped them from coming.
I also get this one from Japan or something seeking legal services in a merger. I tell them that I require a retainer fee that needs to be paid by a cashier’s check. For some odd reason, I never hear anything more when I ask for the retainer in some sort of guaranteed funds.
September 24, 2015 at 12:23 pm, James E. Long said:
I am a lawyer in Montgomery, Alabama. On August 23, 2015, I received notice of a posting on my website from my service. I have communicated many times over the last month with “Marlene Cox” in Japan. I have receved Japanese court documents and signed agreements. I have also received several emails from “Alan Cox”, supposedly in the Montgomery area, stating he is ready to pay some of the money owed his ex-wife. I am glad that I ran acrooss this website while reseaching Alan Cox. Fortunately, I have not received any checks, bogus or otherwise, and have not sent any checks or wired any money to “Marlene Cox.” Thank you so much for this warning.
October 27, 2015 at 2:34 pm, David Makofka said:
I am an attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. Got an email from Marlene Cox today. Same scam, same rap. I advised her to cease all contact or face the FBI.
October 30, 2015 at 10:14 am, Mike said:
I am the site administrator for . I received this exact same scam last night. I manage several attorney websites and I am now to the point of leaving a contact form off of the website to avoid such scams. If clients are truly interested in finding legal representation they will pick up the phone and call.
Thanks for helping me identify this scam.
November 02, 2015 at 11:17 am, ddubsrevenge said:
Received email from [email protected]. Same racket as described above.
November 03, 2015 at 10:05 am, Lisa said:
On October 30, 2015, we received a generic email from Marlene Cox requesting for legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against her ex-husband.
Our firm response on October 30, 2015 to Marlene Cox said we would be glad to talk with her about her case, but she would need to set up an appointment to meet with one of our attorneys and to call during regular business hours.
Response from Marlene Cox November 3, 2015:
Thank you for your mail and also for your willingness to be of service.
I reside in Japan and as a result of time difference it’s a little bit difficult to reach you and I tried calling a couple of times and with the time difference(+13hrs EST) it is a little bit difficult to know the best time to reach you. Please bear with me. Let our communication be though email for now.
I Marlene Cox and my ex-husband (Alan Cox) were lawfully married on 20th of June, 1991, at Nagoya Family Court, Nagoya-shi, in Japan with 3 kids and as a result of some certain problems in our marriage we decided to separate and part ways by divorce, and both of us agreed to live separately, after the divorce my ex-husband (Alan Cox) relocated back to his home country (USA) where he now resides.
Myself and my ex-husband have made a complete, fair and accurate disclosure to each other regarding all financial matters and my ex-husband agree to make a onetime settlement cash payment of $1,255,070.00 (One Million Two Hundred And Twenty Five Thousand, Seventy Dollars) for Family Support which consist of Child Support $487,450.00, Medical Support $398,120.00 And Spousal Support $369,500.00, which was incorporated into the divorce decree and our separation agreement. And my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has only paid the sum of $371,150.00 to me, on account of the family support, ever since he has refuse to pay up the
balance amount and the deadline for him to remit the balance amount has long elapse since November 20th 2013, so this is the reason i am seeking your counsel, for you to enforce the divorce decree and the settlement agreement against my ex-husband, so that he can pay up the balance, most especially for the child support. Also my ex-husband lives in Gaffney, SC
Litigation should be a matter of last resort and communication should remain through us until I advice otherwise, as you must understand I intend to retain my relationship with my Ex-husband even after concluding with this process. Do not make any contact except I advise you to do so.
I will provide you with more documentations or copy of divorce regarding Ex-husband as they deem necessary.
Be rest assured that my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has the financial means to settle up the balance amount owe to me but he has refused to comply with the settlement agreement and the court decree. For this, I seek your legal counsel in regards to compelling my ex-husband to remit the balance payment, which consist of Child Support, Medical Support and Spousal Support to me.
Furthermore, I seek to retain your firm for this purpose, please send me copy of your firm retainer agreement for review and if the terms are acceptable by me, I will proceed in retaining your services.
I am of the opinion that once my presence is established via your firm, my ex-husband will have no option but comply with payment to avoid legal action.
I await your response and also your retainer agreement document.
Truly Yours,
Marlene Cox
This most recent email makes at least the third email from Marlene Cox over the last year and a half. My response to her will include a link to this webpage.
November 06, 2015 at 2:15 am, Lynne said:
I received a request for legal services via my website contact page on Nov 5th. A response was sent stating I would be happy to set up an appointment to speak with her. I received the same response as above about living in Japan etc. I replied with links to the various sites that state it is a scam. Haven’t heard back, go figure.
November 15, 2015 at 10:16 pm, Marcia said:
And Marlene Cox reached to Brazil!
I am a Brazilian lawyer and some days ago, I received a message through LinkedIn from Marlene Cox asking if I could help her. Then, she sent me the same e-mail that had sent to you previously.
“Marlene” is a quite common name in Brazil, so I thought that she would be a Brazilian woman and sounded very strange to me that she was not writing in Portuguese. So, I googled her name and thank got I found this website.
December 02, 2015 at 10:13 pm, Stephanie said:
Dr. Alan Cox is now in Missouri! Received same email from Japan’s Marlene Cox a few weeks ago. And was then contacted via email by Alan Cox. From the beginning none of it made sense but I played along. And today I received a check in the amount of $275,000 from Mr. Cox (whose return address is in Ohio). I wondered how this scam worked. Had no idea people try to scam attorneys like this! Thanks for all the info!
December 03, 2015 at 11:15 am, Lynne said:
Stephanie be careful that you aren’t laundering money. I’ve read about scams from Alan cox too.
January 04, 2016 at 1:35 pm, Rob Hoffmann said:
Marlene’s still out there, looking for suckers (Dec. 29, 2015).
January 18, 2016 at 9:29 am, Avv. Carlo Florio said:
Marlene goes to Italy!
Received today:
“i am requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and child’s support settlement and agreement against my ex-husband.
Yours truly
Marlene Cox”
February 18, 2016 at 10:18 am, Halli said:
She is still trying. I received the same Marlene Cox email at a firm here in Texas. The email used was [email protected]. DO NOT RESPOND.
February 23, 2016 at 1:27 pm, Michelle said:
Marlene is alive and well in Japan with her “three children” today.
March 09, 2016 at 11:12 am, Judi said:
Marlene is still in Japan, but her ex moves around a lot. As of March 8, 2016, he’s now living in Tennessee.
April 08, 2016 at 10:57 am, Kay said:
We received this through our website:
Marlene Cox
(800) 529-8005
[email protected]
I am requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband.Reply through [email protected]
Yours truly
Marlene Cox
For me, there were two red flags so I did some searching on Google and glad that I did! (I don’t want to list what those red flags were as others have told the scammers to check out this site and I bet they are watching it.) Tampa, Florida.
April 18, 2016 at 11:42 am, Nick said:
Ex-Husband lives in Indy now!! 🙂
April 19, 2016 at 12:36 pm, Casey said:
We received this at our firm in St. Charles, MO after requested she call in to schedule an appointment:
[email protected]
Thank you for your response to my request for legal counsel. I reside in Japan and as a result of time difference it’s a little bit difficult to reach you and I tried calling a couple of times and with the time difference(+13hrs EST) it is a little bit difficult to know the best time to reach you. Please bear with me. Let our communication be though email for now.
I Marlene Cox and my ex-husband (Alan Cox) were lawfully married on 20th of June, 1991, at Nagoya Family Court, Nagoya-shi, in Japan with 3 kids and as a result of some certain problems in our marriage we decided to separate and part ways by divorce, and both of us agreed to live separately, after the divorce my ex-husband (Alan Cox) relocated back to his home country (USA) where he now resides.
Myself and my ex-husband have made a complete, fair and accurate disclosure to each other regarding all financial matters and my ex-husband agree to make a onetime settlement cash payment of $1,255,070.00 (One Million Two Hundred And Twenty Five Thousand, Seventy Dollars) for Family Support which consist of Child Support $487,450.00, Medical Support $398,120.00 And Spousal Support $369,500.00, which was incorporated into the divorce decree and our separation agreement. And my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has only paid the sum of $371,150.00 to me, on account of the family support, ever since he has refuse to pay up the
balance amount and the deadline for him to remit the balance amount has long elapse since November 20th 2013, so this is the reason i am seeking your counsel, for you to enforce the divorce decree and the settlement agreement against my ex-husband, so that he can pay up the balance, most especially for the child support. Also my ex-husband lives in St. Charles, Missouri, United States
Be rest assured that my ex-husband (Alan Cox) has the financial means to settle up the balance amount owe to me but he has refused to comply with the settlement agreement and the court decree. For this, I seek your legal counsel in regards to compelling my ex-husband to remit the balance payment, which consist of Child Support, Medical Support and Spousal Support to me.
Furthermore, I seek to retain your firm for this purpose, please send me copy of your firm retainer agreement for review and if the terms are acceptable by me, I will proceed in retaining your services.
I am of the opinion that once my presence is established via your firm, my ex-husband will have no option but comply with payment to avoid legal action.
Attached to the email is the Divorce Decree and the Settlement Agreement for you to go through.
I await your response and also your retainer agreement document.
Truly Yours,
Marlene Cox
June 07, 2016 at 11:20 am, Jacquelyn Brazas said:
From firm in Fulton, Missouri. We received the same information from “Marlene Cox”, and even spoke with someone on the phone indicating he was “Alan Cox”. He (or someone) even went so far as to send a check from what looked like Chase Bank. We think the check was a forgery or something but it was obviously not real. I wish I would have googled this before we got this far into it. Thankfully, nothing bad happened as we never even attempted to process the check since we found out that this was a scam.
June 22, 2016 at 8:52 am, Kay said:
Still going! Just a couple of changes and they are keeping it simple to see who bites. This came through our website today:
Marlene cox
(800) 529-4015
[email protected]
Type of Case:
Child Support
I am requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband.Reply through
[email protected]
Yours truly
Marlene Cox
• I’ve read the disclaimer
June 27, 2016 at 9:17 am, Michelle said:
For the 3rd year in a row our office received an inquiry from Marlene Cox. This year’s inquiry states as follows ….
I am requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband.Reply through [email protected]
Yours truly
Marlene Cox
August 02, 2016 at 11:33 am, Michelle said:
For the 3rd time our office received the following inquiry from Marlene Cox submitted on our website.
I am requesting for your legal services for an enforcement of Spousal and Child’s support settlement agreement against my ex-husband.Reply through
[email protected]
Yours truly
Marlene Cox
August 12, 2016 at 2:49 pm, Kay said:
Hello Again! This week we received what appears to be Marlene Cox n/k/a Ms. Kennedy!!! I did reply and received the alleged documents from Japan all written in English which did not surprise me as when I called the phone number originally provided it is disconnected. BEWARE and don’t waste your time.
ms. kennedy
(813) 687-9848
[email protected]
Type of Case:
Child Support
Do you practice in matrimonial matter, Family law, Child Support. I would like
your firm to enforce a court order against my ex husband.
Ms. Kennedy
• I’ve read the disclaimer