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About Dan Pinnington

Dan Pinnington Daniel E. Pinnington was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of LAWPRO in 2018. From 2012 to 2018, he served as Vice President, Claims Prevention and Stakeholder Relations, overseeing LAWPRO's claims prevention and outreach initiatives.

Dan joined LAWPRO in 2001 as Director, practicePRO and was the driving force behind the practicePRO program - LAWPRO’s innovative and internationally recognized claims prevention initiative. He used his unique combination of practice experience and technology expertise to provide lawyers with tools and resources to assist them in avoiding malpractice claims and succeeding in the practice of law.

Before joining LAWPRO, Dan practised for eight years in the Litigation Department of a Niagara-area law firm. Dan was called to the bar in 1993, having graduated with a combined LL.B./J.D. from the University of Windsor and Detroit Mercy College of Law.

Dan Pinnington's Posts

Artificial intelligence: What is AI and will it really replace lawyers?


If you scanned social media or the headlines in many online or print-based newspapers or magazines published in 2017, you were pretty much guaranteed to see posts and articles on artificial intelligence (AI). Most of these articles suggest that AI is in the process of fundamentally changing our lives at work, home and play. And… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Technology

Perspectives on the future of law – How the professional should respond to major disruptions


The legal profession is in the midst of significant change, and is headed into a period where there will be even greater change. These changes are driven by disruptions that alter the very nature of how traditional legal services have been performed and provided to clients for decades. These disruptions include: access to justice client… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Technology, Law Practice Management

Litigation claims on the rise

marker drawing a line going upward

In recent years, the growth in civil litigation claims has outstripped the overall growth in claims. For example, from 2006 through 2010 LAWPRO received an average of 708 civil litigation claims each year, and during 2011 through 2015, the average increased to 948 each year. This growth of 34 per cent vastly exceeds the 7… Read More »

Categories: Biggest Claims Risks, Communication Errors, Civil Litigation, Limitations Claims

Nine rules to help family law clients and their lawyers avoid social media dangers

man standing in front of social media logos

Family law lawyers should keep in mind that their 20 and 30-something clients grew up with technology. They live online 7/24. Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Instagram pictures, texting and tweeting are intertwined in the fabric of their daily lives. Young people also tend to be very open and will post personal and intimate details of… Read More »

Categories: Family Law, Privacy, Technology

Danger Signs: Five activities generally not covered by your LAWPRO policy

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On occasion, lawyers have engaged in activities that have made them front-page news, subject to embarrassment and possibly lawsuits or discipline complaints. Not only can this kind of attention be bad for a lawyer’s reputation, it can also damage or even destroy client relationships. That’s reason enough to be aware of and avoid activities that… Read More »

Categories: LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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