About Devan Marr
Devan Marr is Research Lawyer in the Claims department. He was called to the bar in 2014. His practice has included a bit of everything from the plaintiff side of personal injury, employment litigation, coverage, and condominium D&O and EPL disputes. He's spent the last five years doing primarily insurance defence (first and third party) and coverage at Strigberger Brown Armstrong LLP in Toronto. Devan is also a board member for the Canadian Defence Lawyers and has obtained his Associate of Risk Management designation.
Devan Marr's Posts
Reminder: 60 Day Notice Requirement Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act
With much of Ontario recovering from significant snowfalls and ice storms over the holiday season, it is a good time to remind the personal injury bar of their clients’ obligations under the Occupiers’ Liability Act to provide notice within 60 days of an incident alleging injury caused by ice or snow. It has been nearly… Read More »
Categories: Civil Litigation