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Legal Technology

The Stresses & Challenges of Being a Lawyer: When Technology Doesn’t Help


In addition to all the pressures lawyers face described in the article The Day to Day Stresses & Challenges of Being a Lawyer, technology has increased the pace of practice. While increasing efficiency, the constant flow of new products and applications can create just as much anxiety. The key is to use technology – don’t… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Wellness and Balance

The Future of Law: Should legal service providers be regulated?

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By stating that they are not practising law or providing legal advice, legal service providers (see yesterday’s post on what a “legal service provider” is) shrewdly aim to take themselves out of the current legal services regulatory scheme and nicely avoid all the education, admission, ethics and insurance obligations that lawyers must fulfill. You can… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Law Practice Management

The Future of Law Who will provide legal services?

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Our current legal system is predicated on lawyers – and more recently paralegals – delivering “legal services” (the definition of this term is discussed in the next section). Can Ontario lawyers maintain a monopoly on professional legal services? The answer is probably not. In fact, some would argue the monopoly ended when paralegals were given… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Law Practice Management

The 2016 LAWPRO Magazine student issue is out


The 2016 Student Edition of LAWPRO Magazine (“Moving Into Practice”) is now online and will be arriving in Ontario law schools in the next few weeks. Its the fourth LAWPRO Magazine issue focused on providing students with resources to make the transition from student to lawyer. It also serves as an introduction to LAWPRO and… Read More »

Categories: Wellness and Balance, Legal Technology, LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage, Practice Aids, Career Management

Ten social media misconceptions, revised


“Social media is just people posting pictures of what they had for breakfast” is a common refrain from those who have no interest in or can’t figure out things like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. It may be said even more by lawyers, who have a reputation of not being the most enthusiastic new adopters of… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology, Technology

Assess your online image. What do clients see?


When we meet someone new it’s common now to Google them to see what we can find out. It’s no different with potential clients who are thinking about using your firm. Have you Googled yourself lately to see what they see? Merrilyn Astin Tarlton, writing in the Attorney at Work blog, has some great tips… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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