Description of Potential Fraud:


Three Ontario lawyers have notified us that they have received an email from the purported Feng Han Qin of Echan Industries Pte Ltd with regards to a commercial debt litigation scam. For examples of other names attached to this kind of fraud see our Confirmed Fraud Page. For an explanation of how this fraud works see our Fraud Fact Sheet.

Here is the initial email:

From: Feng Han Qin
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 6:41 AM
Subject: Legal Aid

Good Day,

I am Feng Han Qin, President of Echan Industries Pte. Ltd. I am writing you on behalf of the firm to solicit for your representation in a precarious case demanding litigation, i really need your assistance in this case. I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible

F. Han Qin

A lawyer who responded got this reply:

Good Day,

Thanks for your mail

I am Feng Han Qin, soliciting your representation on behalf of Echan Industries Pte. Ltd. We got your contact from the lawyer referral service and as such we need your counsel in litigation to collect a debt owed in the amount of $1,400.000.00USD by a delinquent seller in your region. We prefer to established Our presence in your state via a legal representative, Thereby forcing the seller to comply with payment request as effort made for refund has proven to be abortive.

Find Below the location of the delinquent seller for you to run a conflict check Please send your retainer agreement for my review thereafter.

Panox Equipment Limited
1095 O’connor Dr
Toronto, ON M4B 2T1, Canada

We ordered Machinery Equipments worth $2,800,000.00USD, of which 50 percent of the funds was demanded before delivery. Payment to the seller was made in September of 2011 and calculation shows that delivery is above three Months late, The regular purchase agreement requires seller to effect goods not later than 60 days upon payment or legal action may be enforced if delivery delay exceeds 90 days.

I will forward you supporting documents i.e., proof of payment, sales invoice and wire transfer slip once your retainer agreement is signed.

I look forward to your prompt response and your retainer agreement

Feng Han Qin
Echan Industries Pte. Ltd
19 Benoi Crescent, Singapore 629982
Tel: 62870064
Fax: 62612820

How to handle a real or suspected fraud

If you have been targeted by any of these frauds, please forward any of the emails and supporting documents that you have received to [email protected].

If you suspect you are acting on a matter that might be a fraud, call LAWPRO at 1-800-410-1013 (416-598-5899). We will talk you through the common fraud scenarios we are seeing and help you spot red flags that may indicate you are being duped. This will help you ask appropriate questions of your client to determine if the matter is legitimate or not. If the matter you are acting on turns out to be a fraud and there is a potential claim, we will work with you to prevent the fraud and minimize potential claims costs.

If you have been successfully duped, please immediately notify LAWPRO as there may be a claim against you.

For more immediate updates on fraud and claims prevention, subscribe to the email or RSS feed updates from LAWPRO’s AvoidAClaim blog.

Fraud Fact Sheet More fraud prevention information and resources are available on the practicePRO Fraud page, including the Fraud Fact Sheet, a handy reference for lawyers and law firm staff that describes the common frauds and the red flags that can help identify them.