Nine rules to help family law clients and their lawyers avoid social media dangers
Family law lawyers should keep in mind that their 20 and 30-something clients grew up with technology. They live online 7/24. Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Instagram pictures, texting and tweeting are intertwined in the fabric of their daily lives. Young people also tend to be very open and will post personal and intimate details of… Read More »
Categories: Family Law, Privacy, TechnologyCommunicating with staff about email privacy
In the course of an investigation of an alleged cheating incident, Harvard University administrators apparently accessed (without notice) and reviewed the contents of the email inboxes of several resident deans, triggering criticism by the deans and by the public at large. If you are a law firm manager, are you legally entitled to snoop through… Read More »
Categories: PrivacyThe 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now
The current #1 on the New York Times most popular articles list is an item that appeared in the Technology section on the weekend: The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now. In terms of complexity, the Facebook privacy settings lie somewhere between the calculations behind a space shuttle launch and figuring out what… Read More »
Categories: Privacy