Homewood Human Solutions e-Learning courses can now be claimed for the LAWPRO Risk Management credit
As maintaining good mental health and coping well with stress helps lawyers avoid claims, LAWPRO financially supports the Law Society’s Member Assistance Program (MAP), which is administered by Homewood Human Solutions (HHS).
As of September 16, 2014, e-Learning courses offered on the HHS site will now be approved for the LAWPRO Risk Management credit. The approved e-Learning courses address issues including managing stress, managing alcohol and substance consumption, coping with financial pressures, and managing working relationships.
All the e-Learning courses are 2 hours, with a 60 minute video (a voice-over with slides you can navigate to different ‘chapters’) and a downloadable PDF workbook (a few examples are attached below) that takes an estimated 60 minutes to complete. Each also offers links to additional resources that tie into the subject.
Here are the e-Learning courses currently available:
- Embracing Workplace Change
- Taking Control of Alcohol Use
- Resilience
- Preparing For Your Retirement
- Taking Control of Stress
- Taking Control of Anger
- Taking Control of Your Money
- Fundamentals of Effective Supervision
- Responsible Optimism
- Taking Control Of Your Career
- Taking Control of Job Loss and Transition
- Taking Control of Your Mood
- Leading the Human Side of Change
- Managing Sensitive Employee Issues
- Values-based Leadership
- Resolving Conflict in Intimate Relationships
- Respect In The Workplace
- Stop Smoking: Get Your Life Back!
- Supporting Respect in the Workplace
- Foundations of Effective Parenting
The program credits can be claimed by selecting “Credit for a Homewood e-Learning course through the LSUC Member Assistance Plan” on the Risk Management Credit declaration page. One credit ($50) per policy year can be claimed for completing an e-Learning course.
Homewood Health™ provides the confidential Member Assistance Program (MAP) for Ontario lawyers, paralegals, judges, students at Ontario law schools and accredited paralegal colleges, licensing-process candidates, and their families, with financial, arm’s-length support from the Law Society of Upper Canada and LAWPRO. To learn more about the MAP, please visit myassistplan.com or call 1-855-403-8922.
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