“Taking Control of Your Mood” by Homewood Human Solutions
LAWPRO believes that helping lawyers improve their personal health and workplace effectiveness can reduce the likelihood of claims, and financially supports the Law Society’s Member Assistance Program (MAP), which is administered by Homewood Human Solutions (HHS). Homewood offers a number of e-Learning Courses that lawyers can do from their desks, and from time to time we’ll highlight one of them here on our blog (note that first-time users of the Homewood site will need to register before proceeding to the e-Courses)
Everyone experiences sadness from time to time. But when that sadness becomes so severe and persistent that it impairs your ability to get through the day, it requires serious attention because it may signal the onset of depression
The above quote is from the “Taking Control of Your Mood” e-Learning Course. LAWPRO has seen unfortunate instances of lawyers overwhelmed by depression who as a result have been unable to effectively manage their client’s matters. The end result has in many cases been a malpractice claim.
Lawyers experiencing mood problems that seem different from the ordinary ups and downs of life may benefit from this e-Course, which explores:
- The difference between normal sadness and depression.
- Medical and psychological models of low mood
- What depression is and what causes it
- Self-care strategies
- When to seek professional help
The e-Course also offers links to mental health sites in Canada and the US, as well as a number of book titles for further reading, such as Mental Health for Dummies and The Depression Workbook.
All e-Learning courses offered on the HHS site are approved for the LAWPRO Risk Management credit. The program credits can be claimed by selecting “Credit for a Homewood e-Learning course through the LSUC Member Assistance Plan” on the Risk Management Credit declaration page. One credit ($50) per policy year can be claimed for completing an e-Learning course
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