Keeping in touch if mail service is interrupted
LAWPRO has made the following contingency plans in the event that postal service is disrupted.
Communicating with LAWPRO
Please email or fax correspondence for the duration of the interruption. Email for Customer Service or Finance departments can be sent to: [email protected]. For a listing of other email addresses and contacts please go to our Contact Us page.
If you have recently used the mail to send documents or payments to LAWPRO and need to confirm that we have received them, please resend them via fax or by email to Customer Service or to the intended recipient.
Making payments or submitting filings and other documents
You can easily and quickly complete transactions (such as transaction levy filings and payments, applications, etc.) in the secure section of the LAWPRO website. Go to MY LAWPRO to sign in using your Law Society number and password.
Payments not made electronically should be sent by courier to LAWPRO or dropped off in person at our reception desk. Our address is 250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101. Our reception is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Keep your contact information current
Please ensure that LAWPRO has a current, valid email address for you at all times. To update your own address record, please go to MY LAWPRO. Sign in using your Law Society number and confidential password, then select the “Address changes” link in the left navigation bar.
Contacting us
General tel: 1-800-410-1013 or 416-598-5899
General fax: 1-800-286-7639 or 416-599-8341″
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