As a lawyer you are going to take other people’s time. Respect their time and get the most out of it! Whether you’re working with a client or someone on your team, these tips will help you more effectively lead.

Free Up Your Team

Whether you’re in an office, working remotely or a hybrid workplace, free up your team. Make sure that they have as much autonomy over task and time where possible. Let your staff work in the best rhythms that work for them.

Be intentional about how you are managing your team.

  • See practicePRO’s delegation tips to delegate effectively.
  • Set the example for proactive practice management.
  • Prepare in advance for difficult conversations that may need to happen with staff and colleagues
  • Follow the tips below on meeting management.

Meeting Management

Law has shifted from a highly isolated profession to an increasingly collaborative one. Meetings are part of practice. To get the most out of meetings follow these tips:

Ask: Is the meeting necessary?

First ask whether a meeting is necessary. Is there a different way of reaching the same outcome more efficiently? Don’t set meetings that could have led to the same outcome via a quick email.

Meeting Etiquette: Set up for success

Consider how long you need for your meeting. Be realistic, and then set that amount of time.

What kind of set-up do you need? Do you all need to be seated, or to keep energy moving, can it be a quick stand-up huddle?

What kind of tech do you need?

  • If the meeting is in person, do you need access to a projector / screen, telephone or other technology? Arrange in advance.
  • If the meeting is online, consider your tech. If advising clients remotely, consider using practicePRO’s Video Conferencing Checklist.

Use an agenda. Some teams have even adopted a “No agenda, no attenda” motto. An agenda helps people prepare in advance and ensures that the team starts and stays on task.

Distribute materials in advance: This again helps attendees prepare and effectively contribute during the meeting.

Prepare a meeting summary: This doesn’t have to be detailed minutes, or a transcript of all that was said. Share the key meeting outcomes.

Set your next meeting promptly (if needed).

These tips can be used for a range of meetings, including client meetings and staff meetings.

Next week we’ll focus on email management. Subscribe to the blog to have the post emailed right to you. Got a question? Reach out to [email protected].

Categories: Limitations Claims