When considering taking on a new matter, immediately consider what key deadlines may apply. Limitation periods, contractual limitation periods and other deadlines need to be identified early to protect your client. Use practicePRO’s limitations and notice period resources to help manage these deadlines.

Immediately diarize deadlines

  • Immediately put deadlines in your calendar.
  • Calculate with care: Some products are available to help calculate deadlines. Ultimately, however, it’s up to you to verify that the deadline is properly calculated.
  • Input with care: Be careful when inputting deadlines. A simple calendaring error can lead to missed deadlines.
  • Set reminders: Set reminders (“ticklers”) in your calendar to remind you when to start/complete key steps towards the ultimate deadline.
  • Build in a cushion: Expect the unexpected. Things can take longer than expected, and new files or other commitments can take you off task. So set your ticklers with enough time to manage if things take longer than expected.

Confirm service of documents and key filings

Documents are often served and filed by process services or others. Get in the habit of requesting to see the written confirmation of the successful service / filing. It can be costly and embarrassing to have to admit to a Court that a motion confirmation form was not submitted, or that a filing was not properly served. Proactively avoid this risk by supervising these key processes. When something is to be served/filed, confirm it.

Confirm deadlines with clients in writing

Communicate with your clients in writing about key deadlines, what they need to provide, and set a deadline for them.

Review more tips for managing deadlines

For more tips on managing deadlines, see the practicePRO tip sheet.

Next week we’ll focus on a related area – calendaring tips. Subscribe to the avoidaclaim.com blog to have the post emailed right to you. Got a question? Reach out to [email protected].

Categories: Limitations Claims