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Undertakings 101: Manage your risk

Undertakings 101: Manage your risk

There is often some confusion around the purpose of undertakings and how they should be structured. Be the lawyer who solves closing problems without taking on risks. Undertakings are essential elements in real estate transactions. They are commonly given by one party to another to avoid delays in closings, or as a courtesy to the… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

21 Recommendations in Justice Bonkalo’s final report on improving access to justice for families in Ontario

21 Recommendations in Justice Bonkalo’s final report on improving access to justice for families in Ontario

The following is a Bulletin released March 6, 2017 from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General Ontario is helping families by making it easier for them to navigate family courts and access the legal assistance they need. Last year, Ontario and the Law Society of Upper Canada asked the Honourable Annemarie E. Bonkalo to… Read More »

Categories: Family Law

New practicePRO resource: The franchise law malpractice claims fact sheet

New practicePRO resource: The franchise law malpractice claims fact sheet

With such a large amount of claims prevention information available in LAWPRO Magazine articles and practicePRO resources, we had the idea to create simple fact sheets that CPD providers and others could use in developing their program material for specific areas of law. The eighth in our series of “malpractice claims fact sheets” covers franchise… Read More »

Categories: Risk Management Strategies, Communication Errors

Recent increase in spear phishing emails targeting Ontario firms

Recent increase in spear phishing emails targeting Ontario firms

LAWPRO is seeing an increase in spear fishing email frauds targeting lawyers and law firms. The spearfishing messages we are seeing are very sophisticated. They include information personalized for the firm. Spear fishing messages are created to appear that they are from senior partners or management and they are being sent to senior financial staff…. Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

New practicePRO resource: The IP law malpractice claims fact sheet

New practicePRO resource: The IP law malpractice claims fact sheet

With such a large amount of claims prevention information available in LAWPRO Magazine articles and practicePRO resources, we had the idea to create simple fact sheets that CPD providers and others could use in developing their program material for specific areas of law. The latest in our series of “malpractice claims fact sheets” covers IP… Read More »

Categories: Risk Management Strategies

Don’t worry about minor differences in title insurance policy terms – if you choose the right policy

Don’t worry about minor differences in title insurance policy terms – if you choose the right policy

We know that it is important to review the coverages, exclusions and specific exceptions in title insurance policies with clients. However, with respect to standard policy coverages (provided they are not affected by any property-specific exceptions), lawyers should be aware that the nature of Legal Service Coverage in TitlePLUS policies makes differences in these coverages… Read More »

Categories: The TitlePLUS Program & Title Insurance

Law Society of Upper Canada bulletin on home offices and sharing office space

Law Society of Upper Canada bulletin on home offices and sharing office space

This was originally contained in the February 2017 Law Society of Upper Canada e-Bulletin. Working from a home office or sharing workspace is becoming increasingly common as a means for lawyers to reduce the overhead costs of their law practices. Whether you are starting out in practice or considering changing your office space arrangements, you… Read More »

Categories: Law Practice Management

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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