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Condo buyers get a checklist

TitlePLUS’s Ray Leclair has provided prospective condo buyers with a checklist of things they should know about before deciding to purchase. This list was made available to the public in several real estate publications. Status Certificate: This document should be a condition in any agreement to purchase. It includes important information such as monthly expenses,… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

The red flags of an email scam

Many email scams are obvious due to poor spelling, bad grammar and/or completely untenable fact circumstances (e.g., multi-million dollar lottery wins or inheritances). However, some of the email-based frauds LAWPRO is seeing are extremely sophisticated and look like completely legitimate legal matters. The more sophisticated frauds have temporarily fooled new and experienced lawyers into working… Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

Solicitor Negligent in Collaborative Family Law Settlement

In Webb v. Birkett, 2011 ABCA 13, the Alberta Court of Appeal held that the defendant solicitor Birkett was negligent in representing the plaintiff Webb in a collaborative family law settlement. The Alberta Court of Appeal held that CFL practitioners must meet the same standard of care required of other family law practitioners — including… Read More »

Categories: Family Law

A clarification on the ultimate limitation period and the York Condominium Corp. and Jay-M Holding case

The How Long Should You Keep Your Close Files? article in the December 2010 issue of LAWPRO Magazine was well received by Ontario lawyers. From the emails, phone calls and personal comments we received, it is clear the information we provided was helpful to many lawyers in terms of the decisions they needed to make… Read More »

Categories: Civil Litigation, Limitations Claims

Toronto Civil Court Lists now available on the Internet

The Toronto Lawyers’ Association announced today that they will be providing internet access to the Toronto Civil Court lists. Currently you can access Trials, Pre-Trial & Case Conferences, Motions and Masters’ Motions. The Commercial and Bankruptcy Lists will be available soon. The TLA aims to have the next day’s list posted by 5 pm each… Read More »

Categories: Announcements, Civil Litigation

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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