Huge collection of fake IDs, documents and cheques given to lawyers by fraudsters
Fraud attempts against lawyers can involve a great deal of counterfeit documentation, starting with the initial client ID (passports, licenses), various agreements, loan documents and bank statements, and ending with the cheque that finally arrives at the lawyer’s office. When we add posts about a fraud to the AvoidAClaim blog, we also provide images of these fake documents that lawyers have provided to us.
On a new page on the AvoidAClaim blog we have post a large selection of the fake passports, licenses, documentation and cheques in one place. The page is called “Huge collection of fake IDs, documents and cheques given to lawyers“)to give an idea of the abundance and quality of the forged documents being used to try to ensare lawyers and make scams seem credible. Displaying the images in this way also reveals that many of the forged IDs are identical, and multiple fake personas can be made from a single stolen passport:
We have numerous examples of:
Driver’s licenses;
Assorted documentation;
And cheques.
We often get asked “how could anyone fall for these scams?” This page demonstrates just how sophisticated the fraud attempts can be. Visit this “Huge collection of fake IDs, documents and cheques given to lawyers“) to see for yourself.
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