Separation agreement scam by Sharon (or Betty) Trump
Description of Potential Fraud:
Over 160 lawyers in Ontario and the U.S. have notified us that they’ve been contacted by the purported Sharon (or Betty) Trump with regards to a to a collaborative family law agreement dispute. This is a fraud we have seen before under several other names and similar scenarios. For details on how this fraud works and a full list of names attached to it see our Confirmed Fraud page.
Here is the initial email:
Subject: Enforcement Action
To: <(none)>
Date: Monday, 03/04/2013 9:21 AM
I wish to file an enforcement petition against my ex-spouse for breaching
the court’s decree with regards to payment of property settlement. If you
are available for such case Kindly reply to me via ([email protected]).
Sharon Trump
A lawyer who replied got this response and counterfeit documentation:
Thanks for your prompt response. Am residing in Japan for an assignment at present and my ex-spouse Herman Trump now lives in Palo Alto, California. As a result of time difference it is a little bit difficult to reach you. We were divorced in Singapore. My ex-husband Herman Trump is a US citizen. We both agreed under a Property Settlement Agreement incorporated, merged into and made part of the Final Judgment for a onetime settlement of Family Support and Property Division in the amount of $1,038,500, he has paid me $186,000.00USD but still owing $852.500.00USD and the stipulated time for completion of payment has long elapsed. This is the reason why I contacted you as there is already an agreement in place. I know for sure my ex-husband has the financial means to pay the unpaid balance set forth in our settlement agreement. Thus, I request your legal services with regards to compelling him to remit balance owed me. Attached is a copy of the property settlement agreement and the Final Judgment. I will be pleased to provide further information on this case on request and I expect this to be resolved in a timely manner.
Furthermore, I seek to retain your firm for this purpose, please send me a copy of your retainer agreement and if the terms are acceptable I will sign so we can commence the process without delay. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and professionalism.
Sharon Trump
Address: K-1 Bldg.2F, 1-2-13. Azabu-juban Minato-ku. Tokyo 106-0045 JAPAN
How to handle a real or suspected fraud
If you have been targeted by any of these frauds, please forward any of the emails and supporting documents that you have received to [email protected].
If you suspect you are acting on a matter that might be a fraud, call LAWPRO at 1-800-410-1013 (416-598-5899). We will talk you through the common fraud scenarios we are seeing and help you spot red flags that may indicate you are being duped. This will help you ask appropriate questions of your client to determine if the matter is legitimate or not. If the matter you are acting on turns out to be a fraud and there is a potential claim, we will work with you to prevent the fraud and minimize potential claims costs.
If you have been successfully duped, please immediately notify LAWPRO as there may be a claim against you.
For more immediate updates on fraud and claims prevention, subscribe to the email or RSS feed updates from LAWPRO’s AvoidAClaim blog.
Fraud Fact Sheet More fraud prevention information and resources are available on the practicePRO Fraud page, including the Fraud Fact Sheet, a handy reference for lawyers and law firm staff that describes the common frauds and the red flags that can help identify them.
March 06, 2013 at 1:51 pm, Carol Cunningham said:
I got the same e-mail but ex-hubby is in New Jersey now. I replied that I was not licensed in Singapore or N.J. and to contact her original attorney in Singapore. It sounded too nigerian scammish to me.
March 06, 2013 at 4:11 pm, Tanya Nebo said:
I, too, received the same e-mail, but the ex-hubby is located in Georgia.
March 06, 2013 at 6:27 pm, Lindsey O'Connor said:
This is essentially the same scam that our firm has been targeted with by at least six or seven other “potential clients”. Always wanting us to take the case sight-unseen, always refusing to fill out paperwork giving us details about themselves, usually claiming to be from Japan (sometimes the U.K.), always refusing to talk by phone and insisting on e-mail instead, always immediately saying the ex-husband has suddenly agreed to pay and insists on paying us rather than the client, always wanting either our bank account info so the ex-husband can supposedly wire-transfer funds into it or wanting us to deposit ex-husband’s check into our account and IMMEDIATELY write a check to the client for her “share” (having agreed that we’d get a magnificent contingency fee of several hundred thousand dollars for such a simple transaction) – with us knowing, of course, that his check is a forged one….we’ve never been caught out by these scammers (WAY too good to be true) and I rather enjoy making them do lots and lots of work (sometimes even making them overnight the forged check just to force them to pay the overnight fee)….before finally telling them to go try and scam someone else. They never learn.
March 06, 2013 at 6:31 pm, Donald Cheatham said:
Ms. Trump has also contacted me.
I sent her back a link to this website.
Thank you.
March 07, 2013 at 12:12 am, S Marhoffer said:
I recd it in Colorado office, thought it was a scam but sent retainer agreement for $10,000 then my partner in Connecticut office got same email. Apparently Herman lives in CO and CT. Actually the sep agreement is really funny as the kids are awarded to neither parent.
March 07, 2013 at 3:39 pm, Rick Rodgers said:
On March 6, 2013, I got the same unsolicited email. It immediately appeared to be a recycled Nigerian scam with some new false facts. I replied that the alleged husband supposedly living right here in my home town (what a coincidence) was not under any California jurisdiction, so there is nothing I can do. Then I sent the scammer a link to this blog.
March 07, 2013 at 4:59 pm, Carolyn Paschke said:
I received the same e-mail but the ex-husband is in Ohio. Thanks for the useful information.
March 08, 2013 at 12:53 pm, SAS said:
I saw this one come in and then checked it out on the web when the boss thought it was a scam. Sure enough. I got the same documentation that you have posted on the site. Glad I caught it early. Thanks for all your help.
March 08, 2013 at 12:53 pm, SAS said:
She also said that the Husband was living in Florida.
March 08, 2013 at 4:39 pm, Kristin said:
Our law firm in Ohio also was in receipt of this on March 4th. It was sent to an attorney who practices no family law whatsoever. I was pretty certain it was a scam (the email address from which it was first sent was in Australia, yet she had a different ATT email at the bottom), but sent back an email stating what information I would need should she wish to retain the services of one of our family law attorneys. I received the same purported Singapore separation agreement, decree, and IDs. The email “she” responded from was a third email from the other two she apparently uses. Our firm was also targeted by one of the other folks on this list back in 2011 – Miyoko Kazuo – who needed a Licking County, Ohio attorney by way of Japan!
March 11, 2013 at 10:41 am, Mike Appleton said:
I am a Florida attorney and do not practice family law. I received the identical email from “Sharon Trump” over the weekend. I immediately recognized it as a scam, but googled it anyway and came across this site.
I note that I have in the past received emails containing variations on the same scheme.
March 11, 2013 at 11:41 am, Richard Huffman said:
Just got the same basic e-mail minutes ago. They’ve changed the wording slightly, and a slightly different e-mail address.
March 12, 2013 at 9:13 pm, Tee said:
Got same email today from “Zarifah Zuckerberg”. Ex-hubby is in Virginia too. First she asked me if I handled PSAs then she sent me an email several days later with all the details and attached documents including the same id pictured here.
March 13, 2013 at 8:25 am, Jacob Spitz said:
The same e-mail came in to me, but with slightly smaller numbers. There’s a new name on it, Ms Zarifah Zuckerberg [[email protected]], but the same address in Japan.
March 13, 2013 at 8:47 am, Todd Wooten said:
Just got an e-mail the other day. It starts out really vague, i.e. she just wants to enforce a Court Order against her husband here in Georgia. I told her that my retainer fee would depend upon where the judgment would need to be enforced.
There is NO reference to it being a foreign judgment and decree. Once I told her that I can handle it, I was informed that it’s from Singapore and sent some documents other than a copy of the judgment and decree. I replied that the judgment would have to be domesticated and that I need an exact address for the husband and was told “we” can hire a PI to get that information later; but she did send me what appeared to be genuine documents along with a Passport photo.
I became suspicious when she kept insisting on my sending her a Retainer Agreement. I cannot figure out how that in and of itself will lead to an attempted fraud, but now I see where it’s headed.
Glad I decided to Google her before going any further. Thanks!
March 13, 2013 at 2:43 pm, Jeremy Alberts said:
Same scam here received an e mail fake documents goggled her, a scam, good luck everyone.
March 13, 2013 at 2:44 pm, Jim Daubach said:
She has found her way into Chicago as well. The sad thing is she will probably get someone to fall for this.
Very useful site, BTW,
March 13, 2013 at 6:54 pm, Nancy Maule-McNally said:
She’s in Boston now! I sent her the link to this site.
March 18, 2013 at 6:18 pm, Kevin said:
The ex is also in Phoenix! Bogus!
March 27, 2013 at 10:50 am, Sandra Ambrose said:
I too have received a similar email and copies of agreements. If it smells fishy, it is fishy.
Adding my info to the pile.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:00 AM
To: Service
Subject: RE
Dear Sandra K. Ambrose,
Thanks for your mail. Am living in Japan and Herman Trump (ex spouse) lives in Lake Mary, Florida. Due to the time difference (+13hrs EST) it is a little bit difficult to determine the best time to call you. We agreed under a property settlement Agreement attached to this mail for a onetime cash settlement of $705,600.00USD and $332,900.00USD for property division and Family support respectively. To his credit, he has paid me $186,000.00USD from a total of $1,038,500 but still owing $852.500.00USD. Hence, I need your counsel in order to collect the balance owed to me under the settlement agreement. The Final judgment of dissolution of marriage also attached makes reference to a Settlement Agreement being attached to and incorporated therein. He is aware of my intention to seek legal actions. I will be pleased to provide further information on this matter on request. I have already advised him I am planning on retaining your firm. Kindly send me your firm’s retainer fee agreement so that we can proceed. Thank you and have a pleasant day.
Sharon Trump
Address:Sumida-ku, Arka Central Building, 69F Tokyo Japan
April 01, 2013 at 7:47 am, Overseas American Attorney said:
The problem with these e-mails is that it’s not safe to assume you can just ignore them even when you know you can’t accept the case. This e-mail, with the well-established scam — is the easy one. At the same time it’s still frightening because you also have established that someone who has no problems upending strangers is now engaging you, personally, for that purpose. What if there’s a way for them to bring a complaint against you? What if some of these scam e-mails are backed by an actual (or cleverly contrived) claim that you ignore?
Lawyers should consult with colleagues and their state bar and ethics commissions to determine the extent of their duty on receiving these e-mails so that a proper response — if any — can be relayed, even if it is to a scam artist sometimes. As tempting as it may be, I wouldn’t lead on this sort of person and start accepting documents related to a case as that just makes the ethical conundrum so much stickier.
Here’s a resource that may be useful, but each state deals with this sort of issue differently and I would first look to in-state resources for guidance I would rely on.
Nicole Lindquist, Ethical Duties to Prospective Clients Who Send Unsolicited Emails, 5 SHIDLER J. L. Com. & Tech. 8 (2008), available at
April 01, 2013 at 1:11 pm, Paul McCarthy said:
This person is the identical twin of internet scammer Zarifah Zuckerburg, or at least shares the same Singaporean passport. I sent Ms. Trump a response from Prince Oogafooloo requesting a container load of large print Bibles.
April 01, 2013 at 9:01 pm, Randal B. said:
If only the Ex- would settle down long enough in one city! Ha. He is Oakland, CA now. Where in the world is Trump. I was going to take this case up, but I am swamped. I have one client who is an exiled Nigerian prince who has a fortune just within his grasp! Another client is an heiress to a certain hotel fortune who needs to get around a spendthrift clause in her trust to take advantage of a great business opportunity! Fortunately all of of my cash is safely stashed in a briefcase being cleansed of bad spirits. It has to stay at my spiritual adviser’s studio for 180 days. I go by to visit it every week, but lately I think they are remodeling because the windows are all lined with brown paper. But at least these are not scams like the lawyer referral services that have hundreds of cases just waiting for me!
April 04, 2013 at 11:23 am, Connie said:
I received this same email from Sharon Trump. Apparently Herman is now residing in Binghamton, NY. I sent retainer which she gladly signed and returned. I asked “her” for a correct address as her emails had 2 different listed and never heard anything until I received a check in the mail for half a million dollars. My attorney wants to deposit it but I’m going to try to call Chase Bank that supposedly drew the check to verify the authenticity. The check is VERRRRRY good–it has the microprinting on the signature line and the watermark. Will let you all know what Chase says if I get anyone. Thanks to whoever put this site up–you may have saved my boss a lot of money and headaches!!
April 08, 2013 at 12:59 pm, John M. said:
I got the same thing and was suspicious. I sent a request for more info but no retainer agreement. I started researching and came up with your site. Thanks for the good work.
April 09, 2013 at 12:02 am, Alison said:
I just got this e-mail and it didn’t feel right. “Herman Trump” seems to now be residing in New Mexico! I responded to her original e-mail asking who referred her to me, and her response was the boilerplate response all of you have gotten as well. My question is shall I respond further saying I know it’s a scam or just ignore the second e-mail? Thanks so much for alerting me to this scam!
April 10, 2013 at 11:23 am, Susan said:
I just got the email from Sharon Trump. Herman Trump is residing in New Haven, CT. It did not smell right…. Thank you for alerting us to this scam.
April 10, 2013 at 12:34 pm, Dee said:
Received essentially the same e-mail. Husband is supposedly in Jackson, MS.
Thankyou for alerting to this.
April 10, 2013 at 3:55 pm, Aniesha said:
Seems that Mr. Trump has made his way to Ann Arbor, Mi. That man sure does get around. What a rolling stone!
From: “Sharon Trump”
Date: April 10, 2013, 7:29:41 AM EDT
Subject: Re:
Reply-To: “Sharon Trump”
Dear Counsel,
My name is Sharon Trump. I am contacting your firm in regards to a
property settlement with my ex husband Herman Trump who resides in your
jurisdiction. I am currently on assignment in Japan. We had an agreement
(Property Settlement Agreement) for him to pay $1,038,500 plus legal
fees. He has only paid me $186,000.00 since. I am hereby seeking your
firm`s assistance in collecting the balance from him or litigate this
matter if he fails to pay as the stated time for completion of payment
has long elpsed. If you are in the position to represent me at the
moment kindly advice immediately.
Your’s truly,
Sharon Trump
April 11, 2013 at 10:22 am, Jim M said:
I received this same email from Sharon Trump. “Herman Trump” moves around a lot as he is now residing in Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas! I too responded to her original email and asked who referred her to me and she did not answer that question, rather she sent me pdf files of her supposed court documents. I am not responding to her anymore. Thanks for alerting us to this scam; it seems like there are a lot of them out there these days. I must say it was very suspicious sounding and that is why I did a search on the internet for it.
April 11, 2013 at 10:53 am, Rebecca said:
Mr. Trump is also residing in Novi, Michigan! Like God, he is everywhere.
April 11, 2013 at 4:02 pm, Legal Beagles said:
Mr. Trump is a mover! He is here in TN today, and Ms. Trump would like our signature on a retainer fee schedule.
Thanks for all the help google-case closed!
Sharon Trump says today:
“Thanks for your prompt response. Am residing in Japan for an assignment at present while my ex-husband “Herman Trump” lives in N——-, TN. As a result of time difference it is a little bit difficult to reach you on phone. Pursuant to our divorce, we agreed under a Property Settlement Agreement which was ratified and made part of the Court Order for a cash settlement for Property Division and Family Support in the amount of $1,038,500. Though, he has paid me $186,000.00USD but still owing $852.500.00USD and the stipulated time for completion of payment has long elapsed. I know for sure Herman has the financial means to pay the unpaid balance set forth in our property settlement agreement. Thus, I request your legal services compelling him to remit balance owed to me. Attached is a copy of the property settlement agreement and the Court Order.
Furthermore, I wish to retain your firm for this purpose. Hence, please send me a copy of your retainer fee agreement for my review and signature to get this process expedited. Thank you again for your time.”
April 11, 2013 at 8:36 pm, jim stansell said:
Herman sure does get around. Got the same e-mail If his property is in Singapore, why not execute there and/or use the child support collection unit of the District Attorney’s office.
Herman is now in Rogersville, Alabama
April 11, 2013 at 10:14 pm, sharon Kay said:
Recieved 2 cashier checks today from PNC bank one for $10,000.00 and the other for 1/2 million. LOL! They look so real. Says they are to go to Attorney Kevin Valentine.
April 12, 2013 at 11:35 am, Mary Neal said:
Now he has moved to Chicago! I have e-copies of the divorce decree and property settlement. They do put some effort into this, must pay off now and then.
April 15, 2013 at 11:52 am, Karen said:
Herman is currently hitting the beaches in South Florida. Thank you for this website, you have saved many people from a huge waste of time and potential headaches. The old adage holds up, if it sounds too good to be true… it generally isn’t. Thanks!
April 15, 2013 at 12:42 pm, Charlotte Kimsey said:
Herman has hunkered down in TN, ostensibly to avoid all these collections proceedings! I sent back a message stating that I did not handle collection and enforcement matters, with best regards. I am glad I found this post before responding to “her”.
April 15, 2013 at 1:34 pm, Wesley Stoddard said:
I received the Sharon Trump email today in Spartanburg,SC
April 16, 2013 at 1:55 pm, Eli said:
New name and new state. Bloomberg Hokkian now lives in California. Same documents attached.
April 17, 2013 at 11:03 am, Amy said:
Below is the latest location……..
Am residing in Japan for an assignment at present and my ex-spouse Bloomberg Hokkien now lives in Trenton, MI As a result of time difference it is a little bit difficult to reach you. We were divorced in Singapore. My ex-husband Mr. Bloomberg is a US citizen. We both agreed under a Property Settlement Agreement incorporated, merged into and made part of the Final Judgment for a onetime settlement of Family Support and Property Division in the amount of $1,058,520.00 he has paid me $190,500.00USD but still owing $868.020.00USD and the stipulated time for completion of payment has long elapsed. This is the reason why I contacted you as there is already an agreement in place. I know for sure my ex-husband has the financial means to pay the unpaid balance set forth in our settlement agreement. Thus, I request your legal services with regards to compelling him to remit balance owed me. Attached is a copy of the property settlement agreement and the Final Judgment. I will be pleased to provide further information on this case on request and I expect this to be resolved in a timely manner. Furthermore, I seek to retain your firm for this purpose, please send me a copy of your retainer agreement and if the terms are acceptable I will sign so we can commence the process without delay. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and professionalism.
Ms Crystal.
Address: K-1 Bldg.2F, 1-2-13. Azabu-juban Minato-ku. Tokyo 106-0045 JAPAN
Our law Office is located in Trenton, MI so they are getting pretty good with finding people to pray on. Especially because this is a small city
April 18, 2013 at 11:19 pm, marv said:
her most recent name has changed to Crystal Hokkien. That didn’t go through spam filter however.
But the Brone Electric e-mail just arrived this evening in spam.
April 20, 2013 at 2:54 pm, Paul said:
Paul from San Mateo: Apparently Ms Trump has reached the Bay Area and Mr. Trump is now living in Los Angeles, CA.
On Monday, April 15, 2013, Sharon Trump wrote:
My name is Sharon Trump and the name of my ex-husband is Herman Trump
he is a US citizen and he lives in los angeles california. We both
agreed under a Property Settlement Agreement incorporated, merged into
and made part of the Final Judgment for a onetime settlement of Family
Support and Property Division in the amount of $1,038,500, he has paid
me $186,000.00USD but still owing $852.500.00USD and the stipulated
time for completion of payment has long elapsed. This is the reason
why I contacted you as there is already an agreement in place. I know
for sure my ex-husband has the financial means to pay the unpaid
balance set forth in our settlement agreement but he dosnt want to.
Sir i have suffered too much i realy do need your help please.
I will wait to read from you soon.
April 22, 2013 at 9:45 am, Jill said:
I knew it was a scam immediately because they sent it to my personal email address. I think this is the second one I got in the past year. Today (4/22/13) it was Sharon Trump.
April 22, 2013 at 11:08 am, Cat C. said:
Scammer is still trying to reel people in. Just got this email today:
My name is Sharon Trump and I am contacting your firm concerning a property settlement with my ex husband who resides in the US. I am currently on assignment in Japan. We had an agreement (Property Settlement Agreement) for him to pay $1,038,500 plus legal fees. He has only paid me $186,000.00 since. I am hereby seeking your firm`s assistance in compelling him to remit the balance owed to me as the stated time for completion of payment has long elapsed.
If you can represent me, kindly advice immediately.
Ms. Sharon Trump
Email: [email protected]
April 22, 2013 at 4:05 pm, Paul said:
Sharon Trump has used the following email addresses with me [email protected] and [email protected]
April 23, 2013 at 11:17 am, Jimmy said:
Herman Trump is now in Nashville!
April 29, 2013 at 8:32 am, Robert C. Power said:
Herman has returned to Orlando, FL
April 29, 2013 at 5:43 pm, Paralegal said:
He’s moved to MN!
April 30, 2013 at 1:01 pm, Diem Chi Nguyen said:
I received the same email. Sounded like a Nigerian scam, but I asked her to send court documents of decree etc. She did sign the retainer, but never sent the documents. Next thing I know, a check comes into the mail for $289,000.00 paid to me instead of client when I have yet to do any work for her. I figured it was a scam, but did what I normally would do if it were a real client. So I googled and this website has been really helpful. Herman Trump lives in Virginia!
April 30, 2013 at 5:14 pm, Jonathan Biran said:
Mr. Trump also apparently is living in my “jurisdiction”: Maryland.