Commercial debt collection scam using the names Hu Shunliang and Ma-Shan Iron and Steel
Description of Potential Fraud:

A Hawaii firm notified us that they received an email from the purported Nagamoto Hu Shunliang of Ma-Shan Iron and Steel looking to retain them with regards to a commercial debt collection.
This is a classic bad cheque scam that presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. In this scam lawyers will be duped into wiring real funds from their trust accounts after depositing a fake cheque received as payment from the debtor (who is part of the fraud). See our Confirmed Fraud Page for more of an explanation of how these frauds work and to see other names associated with it. Our Fraud Fact Sheet lists the red flags of a bogus legal matter that is really a fraud.
Here is the initial email from the fraudster to the lawyer:
From: “Maanshan Iron Steel Co. Ltd” [email protected]
Subject: Litigation Request
Date: October 22, 2014 at 2:44:05 PM HST
To: “[email protected]” [email protected]
Dear Attorney,
My company would like to sue our client for breach of contract and we are looking for a lawyer who has experience in the field of law that can relates to our case. Contact us for more details if you handle such cases.
Best Regards,
Mr. Hu Shunliang
Director of Human Resources,
Ma-Shan Iron & Steel co. ltd,
How to handle a real or suspected fraud
If you have been targeted by any of these frauds, please forward any of the emails and supporting documents that you have received to [email protected].
If you suspect you are acting on a matter that might be a fraud, call LAWPRO at 1-800-410-1013 (416-598-5899). We will talk you through the common fraud scenarios we are seeing and help you spot red flags that may indicate you are being duped. This will help you ask appropriate questions of your client to determine if the matter is legitimate or not. If the matter you are acting on turns out to be a fraud and there is a potential claim, we will work with you to prevent the fraud and minimize potential claims costs.
If you have been successfully duped, please immediately notify LAWPRO as there may be a claim against you. Instructions on how to report a claim are here.
For more immediate updates on fraud and claims prevention, subscribe to the email or RSS feed updates from LAWPRO’s AvoidAClaim blog.
Fraud Fact Sheet More fraud prevention information and resources are available on the practicePRO Fraud page, including the Fraud Fact Sheet, a handy reference for lawyers and law firm staff that describes the common frauds and the red flags that can help identify them.
November 04, 2014 at 12:59 pm, John said:
I received one of these which is slightly different, it is now Maan-Shan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd and the sender is now Mr. Hu Shunliang instead of Nagamoto Hu Shunliang. He is purported to be the Director of Human resources. The email I received is from “[email protected]” and the subject is “litigation request.”
December 02, 2014 at 11:36 am, Laura said:
I received the same email which John did today. It came [email protected].
Dear Attorney
My company would like to sue our client for breach of contract and is looking for a lawyer who has experience in the field of law that relates to our case. Contact us for more details if you handle such cases.
Mr Hu Shunliang
Director of Human Resources
Maanshan Iron & Steel Co.Ltd
February 25, 2016 at 4:24 pm, Agustina said:
They changed the email a bit and they are contacting people through LinkedIn now, under the name of Peter Anderson. This is the email they sent me:
I represent Maanshan Iron and Steel Company located in Hong Kong, My company will like to use your services as an account Receivable agent, from our customers in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis. you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, I have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
As one of the company’s business coach, the service requested from you is not time consuming and will not in anyway affect your current job. and also do not require your professional skills. I will be happy working with you and I hope you can help us cover this request we require of you. More detail information will be sent to you in receipt of your positive response. I will appreciate an acknowledgment email. Do have a nice day.
April 17, 2016 at 9:43 pm, Sally Smith said:
I represent Maanshan Iron and Steel Company located in Hong Kong, My company will like to use your services as an account Receivable agent, from our customers in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis. you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, I have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
As one of the company’s business coach, the service requested from you is not time consuming and will not in anyway affect your current job. and also do not require your professional skills. I will be happy working with you and I hope you can help us cover this request we require of you. More detail information will be sent to you in receipt of your positive response. I will appreciate an acknowledgment email. Do have a nice day.
Huo Guang
Business Coach
Maanshan Iron & Steel
Hong Kong
April 18, 2016 at 7:23 am, S.T. said:
Thanks for making the above available. I received the below via LinkedIn. Same email message with different person.
Hello ——,
I represent Maanshan Iron and Steel Company located in Hong Kong, My company will like to use your services as an account Receivable agent, from our customers in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis. you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, I have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
As one of the company’s business coach, the service requested from you is not time consuming and will not in anyway affect your current job. and also do not require your professional skills. I will be happy working with you and I hope you can help us cover this request we require of you. More detail information will be sent to you in receipt of your positive response. I will appreciate an acknowledgment email. Do have a nice day.
Huo Guang
Business Coach
Maanshan Iron & Steel
Hong Kong
May 16, 2016 at 8:19 pm, Wolf Tenenbaum said:
It is now Wong Lee signing as the business coach
June 09, 2016 at 10:51 am, KC said:
I received the below via LinkedIn. Same email message with different person.
I represent Maanshan Iron and Steel Company located in Hong Kong, My company will like to use your services as an account Receivable agent, from our customers in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis. you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, I have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfil one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
As one of the company’s business coach, the service requested from you is not time consuming and will not in anyway affect your current job. and also do not require your professional skills. I will be happy working with you and I hope you can help us cover this request we require of you. More detail information will be sent to you in receipt of your positive response. I will appreciate an acknowledgment email. Do have a nice day.
Yi Wong
Business Coach
Maanshan Iron & Steel
Hong Kong
June 09, 2016 at 8:14 pm, Doris Herrera said:
I just received the email below Good day, our company One of the largest manufactures of iron steel is currently recruiting individuals in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis to act as representatives to help their growing business in their various areas of location,it’s part time job that takes less than an hour of your time daily with a 5% commission and $4,900 monthly salary payment..If interested?
Please contact Mr Wang Xiang Yi for more details on:
Email: [email protected]
Please note that this email address is not monitored therefore do not reply, only copy and send your response to the email address above if you wish to get a response.
We look forward to working with you.
June 26, 2016 at 2:10 pm, Michael Cruly said:
I just received a similiar email from Brian Wong – Senior Business Consultant claiming to represent Maanshan Iron & Steel claiming he found me via LInkedIn.. I asked for his business credentials & nauturally looked him up on LinkedIn to no avail. The email I received was almost verbatim (see below) of the fore-mentioed emails except the length of service was for one year. Researching the company and this ghost lead to me this website and a couple of other beware of scam sites. Thank you for sharing your stories. Atleast I wasn’t scammed but I was manipulated. I hope fellow honest hard working professionals do their due dilligence before falling into this devasting trap and scam for funds. Goodluck Brian Wong
To [email protected] Jun 23 at 9:37 AM
Good day Michael A. Cruly ,
Email I rec’d
Our company One of the largest manufactures of iron steel needs your services as an account receivable agent to our customers in Canada and USA on a 12 months contract basis you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations., it’s part time job that takes less than an hour of your time daily with a 5% commission and $4,900 monthly salary payment.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, I have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
Reply for more details.
We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Wong Brian
Senior Business Consultant
Maanshan Iron & Steel
Email:[email protected]
June 26, 2016 at 2:21 pm, Michael Cruly said:
My reply by email to Mr. Wong/ Maanshan “I’m declining your so called offer my research & requests for your credentials have not been answered thus has lead me to me to conclude that the offer is not legitimate and will be posting the information on LinkedIn and several scam sites with the informwtion you provided. Since I cannot find you on LinkedIn and my requests for some very basic professional information were not provided tells me you are not a legitmate and untrustworthy individual. Further the Chinese government will not protect foreign workers or shareholders in a during labour or company disputes. Happy scamming Mr. Wong
July 05, 2016 at 7:56 pm, Juan Estrada said:
Same situation happening to me with the same guy and another guy called Wenxin Xia asking me for help collecting on $7.9 Million in open account receivables for this supposed “Chinese Corporation”. Too many questions popped up like why is he using a personal account instead of a company approved email with proper domain? They actually called me and told me how much money I would be making “for so little work”. Seems that these Asian scammers think we are all lazy and greedy in the USA! Regardless, please beware of this scam and report any situations.
July 28, 2016 at 1:10 am, Brian said:
I just received the latest one. Offering me 4900 monthly. Thanks for the page. 😉 best to spread … always. Always check. !
July 31, 2016 at 10:49 am, Stuart said:
I received the exact same email from Mr Huo Guang representing Maanshan Iron & Steel out of Hong Kong to collect debt from their US & Canadian clients. They went so far as to Fed Ex me a check for well over $133,000, which I have torn up and notified the Postal Inspector as well as the FBI.
August 18, 2016 at 1:51 pm, Pamela said:
Hello I received the same email from Yuri Kim offering the $4900 monthly plus 5% commission. Thanks for the information!! They said they found me on LinkedIn.
August 18, 2016 at 4:44 pm, SNTI said:
I received one myself from Maanshan, exactly like the one on June 9th and April 18th. PLEASE NOTE, THERE ARE TWO SCAMS HERE. The obvious one is them trying to scam money from you to process payments. Most people can avoid that. But a lot of people reply to the email. (There are some examples in this thread). Do not ever reply to these people. The second scam is that they are verifying your email address to sell to marketing companies. There are so many trillions of email addresses that are not valid. This is an easy way for these scammers to produce “clean” lists to sell to other scammers as well as legitimate businesses that want to solicit business through endless spam. So you may not want to respond whenever you receive an email like this.
September 19, 2016 at 3:27 pm, David said:
SNTI is correct in regards to the company selling the email addresses of those that respond to the initial solicitation. Not only are these email addresses “clean”, but those that respond to such a solicitation are, for no better description, “suckers” that are likely to purchase “get rich quick” type products.
These leads are worth a lot of money to companies that push trashy, yet expensive “make money online” or “easy real estate cash” type programs. They start by selling a relatively cheap, low end “get rich quick” product for $9.95 – $49.95. These buyer leads are then followed up by aggressive phone reps pushing high ticket products that generally cost several thousand dollars.
November 30, 2016 at 11:30 am, Nina E Williams said:
I received a job offer from Keiko Steel. I received an assignment but I found this site before any money was transferred. I really needed a job but I’m glad that I haven’t been scammed on top of all of this. Thanks for posting
February 12, 2017 at 10:49 pm, Lexton Cage said:
I received this one….It looks like all of these here. Bits and pieces of all of these. Please BEWARE of this scam.
Good day Lexton Cage
Our company Huaneng Power International,Inc. and its subsidiaries Develop, Construct,Operate and Manage large power plants throughout China and North America needs your services as an account receivable agent to our customers in Canada and USA on a 12 months contract basis you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables in the above region to directly support our sales operations it’s part time job that takes less than 2 hour(s) of your time daily with a 5% commission and $4,900 monthly salary payment.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, we have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
Reply for more details.We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Huo Guang
Senior Business Consultant
Huaneng Power International, Inc
March 15, 2017 at 8:03 pm, Rib said:
Lexton Cage
I received this same email!!!
April 12, 2017 at 11:51 pm, michael lamus said:
New version
Good day ________
Huadian Power International, One of the largest producers of Power & Steel in China & Hong Kong needs your services as an account receivable agent to our customers in Canada and USA on a 6 months contract basis. You will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to the Steel Company in the above region to directly support sales operations. It is a part time job that takes less than an hour of your time daily with a 5% commission on each amount collected and a $4,900 monthly salary payment.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, however, haven reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility, we have no doubt that you would be of immense contribution in helping this company fulfill this goal, this is why we/I have reached out to you.
For further details, please respond. We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely Yours,
Dione C. Wallace,
Sec. to Mr Sam Lin
Senior Business Consultant
Huadian Power International
August 15, 2017 at 7:05 am, William Bailey said:
Good day William
Our company Henan Fengbao Iron & Steel, Inc. and its subsidiaries Develop, Construct, Operate and Manage large power plants throughout China and North America needs your services as an account receivable agent to our customers in Canada and USA on a 12 months contract basis you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables in the above region to directly support our sales operations it’s part time job that takes less than 2 hour(s) of your time daily with a 5% commission and $4,900 monthly salary payment.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, we have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
Reply for more details. We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Bao Zhi
Senior Business Consultant
Henan Fengbao Iron & Steel, Inc
August 31, 2017 at 2:42 pm, Kaylee said:
Subject: International A/R Representative Request
Good day
Our company Henan Fengbao Iron and Steel. and its subsidiaries Develop, Construct,Iron Steel and Manage large power plants throughout China and North America needs your services as an account receivable agent to our customers in Canada and USA on a 12 months contract basis you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables in the above region to directly support our sales operations it’s part time job that takes less than 2 hour(s) of your time daily with a 5% commission and $4,900 monthly salary payment.
I understand this is not your area of expertise, we have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help our company help fulfill one of its major goal this is the reason I have reach out to you.
Reply for more details.We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Han Rong
Senior Business Consultant
Henan Fengbao Iron and Steel
May 18, 2018 at 1:22 pm, Olette said:
Thanks for all your posts I just got this:
This is Tsukamoto Hiro Company Ltd, a Japan-based company engaged in the manufacture steel. As a specialized manufacturer of compact steel products, Tsukamoto Hiro Company Ltd has produced Bar steel, Section steel, Lightweight section steel, Steel plate , Building Material Products and other unique products since aits foundation.
We are currently looking to serve our North America (US/Canada) customers better. Our company is seeking for individuals and/or companies who will work part-time as an “Account Receivable Agent”. You are not required to quit your present job, as the “Account Receivable Agent” job will only require you to contact our clients who we have been supplied equipment and are due for payment. This position does not require you to travel at any time, you are expected to contact our clients via phone and email only.
This has become important as other means of payment (E- transfer or letter of credit) has become less of an option for our numerous clients due to the following reason.
Fees and exchange rates- Banks hidden transfer fees are becoming high and the exchange rate, reduces the final value of the amount paid.
Days required- Takes longer time for transfers to be executed.
Possibility of Fraud- Poses fraud risk to the importer.
I will discuss in my next email, details of the Job Description, Commission and Compensation, if you are Interested in becoming one of our “Account Receivable Agent”.
Note: This job is for Individuals who are based in Canada and USA only.
Kindly acknowledge receipt. Thank you.
Best Regards
Naoyuki Katsuro,
Hr Director |Tsukamoto Hiro CO.,LTD,
Email:[email protected]
12-1,9-chome, Kameido, Koto-kum, Tokyo 137-8555 Japan.
機密性警告:このメッセージおよび添付ファイルは、受信者向けのものであり、機密情報であることにご注意ください。 意図した受信者でない場合は、すぐに返信メールで送信者に通知し、このメッセージと添付ファイルをシステムから削除してください。 事前に協力いただきありがとうございます
Main Job description includes assisting Tsukamoto Hiro CO.,LTD to communicate and also in the retrieval of overdue payments from our customers/clients who are located in the North America region. We have clients all over this region that is yet to meet up with the normal payment schedule of 30 days after confirming the delivery of products sent to them in good condition. Note: This is a part time opportunity and you do not need to leave your current job, this take less than one hour of your time daily.
We confirm that we are ready to work with you with an annual base fee of $45,000.00 USD (For Individual Representation; representing us as an Individual) and $60,000 USD (For company Representation; Representing us with or as a company). This will be paid monthly in the sum of $3750 and $5000 for individual and company representation respectively.
You shall also earn a 4% commission (Individual Representation) and 7% commission (Corporate/Company representation) from any owed amount retrieved through you on behalf of the company as our representative to cover for phone, Internet and Miscellaneous bills.
Corporate Communication
Record Keeping
August 09, 2018 at 10:30 am, Sarah said:
I also received a similar email last week, so glad to have found this thread, as the company is a legit Chinese company.
Attention [me]
Thank you for response and for taking out the time to email me in the verge of inquiring more information about the position of a US/Canada intermediary as described in the email earlier received.
ABOUT US: Huadian Power International, Inc. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries develop, construct, operate and manage large power plants throughout China. As of March 2011, the Company’s attributable and controllable installed capacity were respectively 50,935MW and 54,402MW, making it one of the largest listed power producers in China. The Company owns power plants in 18 provinces in China and it wholly owns an operating power company in Singapore.
The Company was established on June 30, 1994 and subsequently completed a global initial public offering in October of the same year with the issuance of 1,250,000,000 foreign shares. Such shares, represented by 31,250,000 American Depository Receipts (ADR) became listed on New York Stock Exchange (Ticker symbol: HNP). In January 1998, the Company became listed in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of introduction (Stock code: 902) and in March completed a global placement of 250,000,000 foreign shares along with a private placement of 400,000,000 domestic shares. In November 2001, the Company successfully issued 350,000,000 A-shares, of which 250,000,000 shares were public shares. In December 2010, the company accomplished a non-public issuance of 1.5 billion ordinary A shares denominated in Renminbi and a half billion of H shares listed abroad. At present, the Company has approximately 14.06 billion total shares outstanding.
The company mainly engages in the development, construction and operation of large power plants utilizing modern technology and equipment,and using international as well as domestic capital. Its power plants are advanced in equipment, stable and efficient. Based in power industry, the company emphasizes breakthroughs in technology, in organizational system and in management, breaking many records and creating many milestones among the peers in the progress of power technology, power plant construction and management.
As we expand our progress and business copied with the high demand of our products in your region, we look forward to establishing representative offices and sales centers in North America. Until the centers are established, we need a reliable company (irrespective of the business type) that will stand as an intermediary between our customers in your country and Huadian Power International, Inc. Hence we wish to contract your enterprise as our “Intermediary” or “Regional Representative Agent” in US and Canada.
Such persons/companies should be able to:
(1) Collect and remit due accounts within your region.
(2) Work together with Managing Director to seamlessly reach goals.
(3) Maintain proper records of transactions.
(4) Innovates ideas to drive the company forward.
(5) Help to create new channels for easy distribution of our ever growing market with same region.
COMMISSION: Managing Partners/Regional Reps Agent are each entitled to 5% commission of each completed transaction plus a monthly allowance of $4,900 dollars. Other benefits include annually phone and email bills. Business and communications shall be mostly conducted on-line and on phone and hence will not affect your current job.
Provide us with the following,so we can prepare an MOU for further proceedings.
Your Full Names:
Full Contact/Postal Address:
Your Company Name:
The Position Held:
Tel and Cell Number:
Upon receipt of the above, we shall send you a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding.
We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Ling Xia
Senior Business Consultant
Huadian Power International, Inc
Email: [email protected]
November 10, 2018 at 2:37 pm, Richard said:
The Huadian Power International scam is still going around. I got this email:
Hello [me]
Would you like to be our Company’s US/Canada representative director in your region. This position needs no prior knowledge. We would be happy to talk to you further about this position if you are interested.
Ling Xia
Senior Business Consultant
Huadian Power International Corp.
and then the email quoted in the previous comment.
May 08, 2019 at 11:12 am, Jessica said:
I have received a similar email. Hopefully this can stop by ignoring their messages.
Dear [me]
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for response and for taking out the time to email me in the verge of inquiring more information about the position of a US/Canada intermediary (Account Receivable Agent) as described in the email earlier received. Please acquaint yourself with the following information as they would be very useful to your good self;
ABOUT US: Huadian Power International, Inc. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries develop, construct, operate and manage large power plants throughout China. As of March 2011, the Company’s attributable and controllable installed capacity were respectively 50,935MW and 54,402MW, making it one of the largest listed power producers in China. The Company owns power plants in 18 provinces in China and it wholly owns an operating power company in Singapore.
The Company was established on June 30, 1994 and subsequently completed a global initial public offering in October of the same year with the issuance of 1,250,000,000 foreign shares. Such shares, represented by 31,250,000 American Depository Receipts (ADR) became listed on New York Stock Exchange (Ticker symbol: HNP). In January 1998, the Company became listed in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of introduction (Stock code: 902) and in March completed a global placement of 250,000,000 foreign shares along with a private placement of 400,000,000 domestic shares. In November 2001, the Company successfully issued 350,000,000 A-shares, of which 250,000,000 shares were public shares. In December 2010, the company accomplished a non-public issuance of 1.5 billion ordinary A shares denominated in Renminbi and a half billion of H shares listed abroad. At present, the Company has approximately 14.06 billion total shares outstanding.
The company mainly engages in the development, construction and operation of large power plants utilizing modern technology and equipment,and using international as well as domestic capital. Its power plants are advanced in equipment, stable and efficient. Based in power industry, the company emphasizes breakthroughs in technology, in organizational system and in management, breaking many records and creating many milestones among the peers in the progress of power technology, power plant construction and management.
As we expand our progress and business copied with the high demand of our products in your region, we look forward to establishing representative offices and sales centers in North America. Until the centers are established, we need a reliable company (irrespective of the business type) that will stand as an intermediary between our customers in your country and Huadian Power International, Inc. Hence we wish to contract your enterprise as our “Intermediary” or “Regional Representative Agent” in US and Canada ONLY for purpose of collecting & directing funds owed to Huadian Power International, Inc.. This job opportunity is only open to companies/individuals residing in Canada/US.
Such persons/companies should be able to:
(1) Collect and remit due accounts within your region.
(2) Maintain proper records of transactions.
(3) Innovates ideas to drive the company forward.
COMPENSATION: The company/firm or individual is entitled to 5% commission of each completed transaction (received payment) plus a $5,500 monthly allowance for a 12 month contract duration. Job Type: Contract/Part-time
WORK STATION: Business and communications shall be mostly conducted on-line (exchange of emails) and on phone, hence this will not affect your current job. This also means you can work from home. Work Time: 3-5 hours per week.
PARTNERSHIP FORM: Kindly fill out the partnership form below, by providing us with the following, so we can prepare an MOU for further proceedings. Indicate Not Applicable (N/A) where necessary.
Company Name:
Date of Establishment:
Full Name:
Position Held:
Mobile/Phone/Fax Number:
Company and/or Personal Email:
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Please note that any information provided in these forms would not be used for any other purpose than the purpose it was meant for. Your information would be kept strictly confidential.
Upon receipt of the above, we shall send you a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding.
We look forward to working with you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Luo Xiaoqian
Tel: +852 3008 8151
Multi-Business Consultant
Huandian Power International Inc
No 2 Xuanwumennei Street
Xicheng District,
Beijing, The PRC
Email: [email protected]
December 11, 2019 at 1:09 pm, Jo said:
I received this email:
Hello Jocelyn Linares
Would you like to be Company’s US/ Canada representative director in your region. This position needs no prior knowledge. We would be happy to talk to you further about this position if you are interested. For a 5% commission and $5,000 monthly salary payment.
Warm Regards
Ling Xia
Senior Business Consultant
POSCO Steel Making Company
December 24, 2019 at 5:35 pm, Alice said:
I received this email, too:
Hello [ME]
Would you like to be Company’s US/ Canada representative director in your region. This position needs no prior knowledge. We would be happy to talk to you further about this position if you are interested. For a 5% commission and $5,000 monthly salary payment.
Warm Regards
Ling Xia
Senior Business Consultant
POSCO Steel Making Company
February 29, 2020 at 1:12 pm, Cary said:
I received this on Feb 29th 2020
Thank you for finding interest to learn more about the Position of a US/Canada Intermediary.
ABOUT US: Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO). The dream of developing a steel industry in Korea started to come to light with the plan to construct a general steelworks in the 1960s. Despite starting from scratch, with no capital, technology, or experience, the great journey towards establishing an integrated steelworks began with the founding of the Company on April 1st, 1968.
Employees curled up in the construction site office that was then known as ‘Rommel House’, trying to get the little sleep they could and eating rice mixed with sand, which all worked to develop the strong will needed to become a country of steel. Starting with the first production line in Korea that produced 1.03 million tons of crude steel in 1973, Pohang Steelworks was completed in 1983 after four expansion projects producing 9.1 million tons of crude steel.
To fulfill the rapidly increasing domestic steel demand in a high growth economy, POSCO took on a new challenge of bringing the myth of Yeongilman to Gwangyang-man. From starting construction of Gwangyang’s first plant in 1985 until its completion in 1992, the sea was filled to build a cutting edge steelworks that offered streamlined processing that ranged from iron-making and steel-making, to rolling. Meanwhile, POSTECH and RIST (Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology) were established to meet the needs of self-developed technology for technology independence, creating a firm connection between academia and industry
Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) is one of the largest iron and steel producers and marketers in the PRC, and is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of iron and steel products.The manufacturing process primarily involves iron-making, steel-making and steel rolling projects. POSCO’s principal product is steel production which comeS in different categories: steel plates, stainless steel, wire rods and galvanized steel automotive materials e.t.c. Our products have been supplied to institutions/companies across the globe, either direct or through our network of trusted distributors for well over 8years.
As we expand our progress and business copied with the high demand of our products in your region, we look forward to establishing representative offices and sales centers in North America. Until the centers are established, we need a reliable company (irrespective of the business type) that will stand as an intermediary between our customers in your country and Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) .Hence we wish to contract your enterprise as our “Intermediary” or “Regional Representative Agent” in US and Canada.
Such persons/companies should be able to:
(1) Collect and remit due accounts within your region.
(2) Work together with Managing Director to seamlessly reach goals.
(3) Maintain proper records of transactions.
(4) Innovates ideas to drive the company forward.
(5) Help to create new channels for easy distribution of our ever growing market with same region.
(6) Communicate with customers within his or her regions via telephone and email means.
COMMISSION: Managing Partners/Regional Reps Agent are each entitled to 5% commission of each completed transaction plus a monthly allowance of $4,900 dollars. Other benefits include annually phone and email bills. Business and communications shall be mostly conducted on-line and on phone and hence will not affect your current job.
Please Kindly send the below details to enable us prepare and send our company Memorandum of Understanding to you which is our standard agreement that will define our business relationship.
Your Full Names:
Full Contact/Postal Address:
Your Company Name:
The Position Held:
Tel and Cell Number:
Upon receipt of the above, we shall send you a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding.
We look forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours
Ling Xia
Senior Business Consultant
Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO)
6261, Donghaean-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Email: [email protected]
December 11, 2021 at 4:26 am, Tim Divens said:
Just got one from Chongqing Iron and Steel. It reads:
I apologize for my cold outreach,
We are currently interested in employing your service as a business representative. We understand your present job might have a busy nature, but we want you to know that this service is not time consuming.
We have also reviewed your profile on LinkedIn and knowing your eligibility to help the company help fulfill one of its major goals this is the reason I have reached out to you.
We look forward to working with you. Have a great day ahead.
De Ling
International Business Consultant
Chongqing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.