49 Tips for New Lawyers
Attorney at Work’s “25 Tips for New Lawyers by” by Merrilyn Aston Tarlton has been their second most downloaded document since it was published in 2011, and has now been expanded into “49 Tips for New Lawyers” (note: a free registration to the site is required to download it).
It seems to be a popular download for lawyers of all ages, since as the intro says “it takes a while for lawyers to know what they don’t know fresh out of law school.” In addition to the 49 tips themselves, each one includes links to other articles and resources on the same topics.
Some of the tips include:
“You are going to have to pay your dues. It may seem the work is beneath you. You may not enjoy it. Others may take credit for it. But to get to the really juicy stuff, you’re going to have to carry someone else’s brief bag”.
“There is a difference between telling someone something and “communicating” it. In the first case, it left your lips. In the second, it left your lips, entered their mind and was understood. You are responsible for the entire cycle”.
“No one cares about your grade point average now. Really. They just care how well you can perform on behalf of your client.”
For more tips in the same vein, see “Student to Lawyer: 20 Tips for a Smooth Transition” from the Student Issue of LAWPRO Magazine.
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