About Tim Lemieux
Tim Lemieux is the CPSR and Claims Analyst at LAWPRO. He investigates TitlePLUS title insurance claims, and analyses LAWPRO claims data to aid in the creation of the practicePRO initiative risk management presentations, articles and web content for lawyers.
Tim Lemieux's Posts
Drafting a non-engagement letter
Phantom clients, those who believe they are represented by you, though the individual has not formally hired or retained you, can lead to a potential claim down the road. If you decline an engagement for legal services or the client chooses not to retain you, the non-engagement should immediately be confirmed in writing by way… Read More »
Categories: Communication Errors, PrecedentsFree CPD replay now available: Managing the Second Wave: Mental Health, Resilience and Resources
LAWPRO’s free CPD on coping with the stresses of the Covid second wave, presented with the Toronto Lawyers Association, is now available for replay. Speakers: Teresa Donnelly, Treasurer (President), Law Society of Ontario Doron Gold, Staff Clinician and Presenter, Homewood Health Orlando Da Silva, LSM, Chief Administrator / CEO, Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada… Read More »
Categories: AnnouncementsMore examples of cyber criminals taking advantage of Covid-19 disruption
Cyber criminals are constantly updating their methods to take advantage of current events, and the disruption caused by Covid 19 and many people now working remotely has provided them with a new opportunities, as explained in Beware of cybersecurity risks during COVID-19 and working from home. This CBC News article Email, text message attacks surge… Read More »
Categories: Fraud PreventionDivorce settlement scam using the name Maria Suarez
Five firms in a number of European countries notified us that they received an email from the purported Maria Suarez looking to retain them with regards to a collecting overdue payments resulting from a separation agreement. This appears to be a bad cheque scam that presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer…. Read More »
Categories: Divorce Settlement Fraud, Fraud WarningsNew variation of the bad cheque fraud: Dog bite cases
[First posted May 2019. Updated January 2020] Several lawyers have notified us of a new variation on the old bad cheque debt collection scam. This scenario involves a dog bite, and the promise of an insurer to pay a settlement for medical expenses. It even comes with gruesome dog bite photos that were apparently taken… Read More »
Categories: Fraud PreventionEquipment purchase scam using the names Stan Walters and ABI Equipment Limited
Lawyers in Ontario and the U.S. have notified us that they received an email from the purported Stan Walters of ABI Equipment Limited looking to retain them with regards to making a large commercial purchase. This appears to be a bad cheque scam (with a real company likely being impersonated) that presents as legal matter… Read More »
Categories: Equipment / Inventory Purchase Fraud, Fraud WarningsWindows 7 support coming to an end in January
Windows 7 was one of the most popular Windows operating systems, and many users (including law firms) would be content to keep using it and put off upgrading. However, Microsoft has announced that support for Windows 7 will end as of January 14, 2020. That means no more updates, including security updates. So while computers… Read More »
Categories: Fraud Prevention, Legal Technology, TechnologyDivorce settlement fraud using the name Hanae Kenshi
Two Ontario firms notified us that they received an email from the purported Hanae Kenshi looking to retain them with regards to a collecting overdue payments resulting from a separation agreement. This appears to be a bad cheque scam that presents as legal matter requiring the assistance of a lawyer. In this scam lawyers will… Read More »
Categories: Divorce Settlement Fraud, Fraud Warnings