The First Timer’s Going to Court Cheat Sheet

What to wear? Where to stand?
Going to court for the first time can be an intimidating experience, but it can become familiar with practice. The level of formality and decorum in a courtroom is a unique part of Canadian life and should be treated seriously. Unlike what you may have seen on shows and social media, proceedings are rarely punctuated with lawyers shouting, pacing around the courtroom, and surprise witnesses bursting through the doors. The First Timer’s Going To Court Cheat Sheet (PDF) can help you as a law student or lawyer approaching your first hearing with some know-how.
August 09, 2019 at 5:24 pm, Douglas Tompson said:
If you are going to be a self represented litigant, you should know that there is a rule book for the court. You can inquire at the Court Office and they will give you the name and information but they are very careful to ensure that you understand that they are NOT offering legal advice. The provincial law society also offers many useful references and links. When the dust has settled and the case is heard, shake hands with the lawyers on the other side as a sign of good manners and good sportsmanship!