Apply for your LAWPRO Risk Management Credit by September 15
Save up to $100 on your 2021 LAWPRO premium by completing the online Risk Management Premium Credit declaration form no later than midnight on September 15, 2020.
To obtain the Risk Management Credit, you must complete one or two qualifying programs, and complete an online Declaration by midnight on September 15.
You can claim the credit for participating in an approved CPD program via a live or archived webcast provided you watch the entire program and have a copy of the program materials.
You can also view one of the free CPD programs offered by LAWPRO for a credit.
Completing one Homewood Health e-Learning course through the Member Assistance Plan also qualifies for one $50 premium credit. Insureds must complete a new e-Learning course each year they claim the credit.
You are also eligible for the Risk Management Credit if you chair or speak at a qualifying program provided you attend the entire program.
For the 2021 policy year, over 250 CPD programs were approved for the credit. The full list of current approved programs can be found here.
If a program you attended is not on our approved list, either the CPD provider did not submit it to us or it did not have the risk management content we require. Note, the approval for the LAWPRO Risk Management Credit is a different and separate process from the approval for the Law Society’s CPD Requirement.
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