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Now available as a free download – Jordan Furlong’s Law Is a Buyer’s Market: Building A Client-First Law Firm

Now available as a free download – Jordan Furlong’s Law Is a Buyer’s Market: Building A Client-First Law Firm

Jordan Furlong has now made his book available as a free PDF download. Law firms are experiencing a wrenching period of upheaval. Economic crises, technology explosions, and a regulatory revolution have spawned a wave of innovative competitors. Newly empowered clients have adopted aggressive buying behaviours and begun dictating the terms of their relationships to law… Read More »

Categories: Law Practice Management

Managing your mental health through COVID

Managing your mental health through COVID

We are experiencing what our email inboxes repeatedly call “unprecedented times”. Many Canadians are facing lost employment and financial strain; many are taking on a large number of new responsibilities as they act as home-schooling teacher and caretaker for their children; and all Canadians face the new anxieties and fears now associated with shopping for… Read More »

Categories: Wellness and Balance

“Zombie” transfers can come back to haunt you

“Zombie” transfers can come back to haunt you

[Updated July 29, 2020] The bottom line: A dead person cannot convey an interest in land A “zombie” deed/transfer refers to a land transfer registered after the death of the transferor as if the transferor is still alive. There has been much debate around the use of “zombie” deeds. The recent decision in Thompson v…. Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

The dangers of renting out your signature as a virtual witness on a will or POA

The dangers of renting out your signature as a virtual witness on a will or POA

The virtual execution of wills and powers of attorney has suddenly become a big topic for Ontario lawyers, even those practising outside the wills and estates bar. The April 7, 2020 (amended April 22) emergency Order in Council now permits, on a temporary basis, the virtual witnessing of wills and powers of attorney in Ontario…. Read More »

Categories: Wills & Estates, Technology

Security Tips for Lawyers Hosting a Zoom Meeting

Security Tips for Lawyers Hosting a Zoom Meeting

For lawyers and many of their clients, Zoom provides a cost-effective, user friendly video conference tool. But there are some legitimate security concerns with Zoom, and while some people are choosing not to use it, it continues to be the video conferencing tool of choice for many. There is no doubt it is user friendly… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology

Director of Titles Responds to Inquiries

Director of Titles Responds to Inquiries

We have been advised that the Director of Titles has issued several clarifications regarding procedural matters (fast tracking splits; expropriation best practices; registered mail for LTA apps; original signatures of paper documents) which might be of interest to lawyers dealing with development of land. In short, the rules have not been changed notwithstanding the present… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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