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Beware of funds transfer frauds over the holidays – BC firm defrauded for six figures

Beware of funds transfer frauds over the holidays – BC firm defrauded for six figures

The Law Society of British Columbia published the following warning to its members on December 15, 2017. A BC law firm has fallen victim to the sophisticated “phony direction to pay” social engineering fraud. Here’s what happened. The perpetrators hacked the firm’s computer, and then monitored the firm’s email traffic for some time before making… Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

New in the practicePRO Library: Lawyers as Managers

New in the practicePRO Library: Lawyers as Managers

Today more than ever, all members of a law firm must work together as a team for the benefit of clients. Coordinating and getting the most out of everyone’s contributions is the responsibility of a firm’s managers, whether they are lawyers or administrators. The fact is that few lawyers enter the profession with management experience…. Read More »

Categories: Law Practice Management

New in the practicePRO Library: Unbundled Legal Services – A Family Lawyer’s Guide

New in the practicePRO Library: Unbundled Legal Services – A Family Lawyer’s Guide

Focusing on family law practitioners, Unbundling Legal Services is a particularly appropriate resource given the unique promise that unbundling holds for family law litigants. In many jurisdictions, self-representation rates are highest in family cases. But, as any family law attorney (or family court litigant) knows, these are the case types that arguably benefit most from… Read More »

Categories: Biggest Claims Risks, Risk Management Strategies, Family Law

ALIA Alert on spear phishing “direction to pay” scams (we are seeing these in Ontario too)

ALIA Alert on spear phishing “direction to pay” scams (we are seeing these in Ontario too)

See below for text of an Alert sent today by Alberta Lawyers Insurance Association. We are seeing similar scams targeting Ontario lawyers. We encourage Ontario lawyers to be vigilant and follow the precautions in this Alert. ALIA has received additional reports of fraudulent emails being sent to lawyers in Alberta and other jurisdictions. In these… Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

“I will be out of the office…forever” and I don’t want to deal with claims

“I will be out of the office…forever” and I don’t want to deal with claims

Are you thinking of changing careers or law firms, selling the practice, or retiring? Even after you retire, malpractice claims can engage your LawPRO’s run-off coverage. Real estate lawyers should consider TitlePLUS title insurance since claims covered under the Legal Service Coverage in a TitlePLUS policy will not affect your run-off insurance. This article from… Read More »

Categories: The TitlePLUS Program & Title Insurance

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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