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What kinds of PPSA claims does LAWPRO see?

What kinds of PPSA claims does LAWPRO see?

What kinds of PPSA claims does LAWPRO see? Problems with registrations under personal property security legislation (such as the Ontario Personal Property Security Act (PPSA)) are common causes of claims against corporate/commercial lawyers, and indemnity costs associated with these claims can be high. Approximately ten claims involving allegations of PPSA-related mistakes are reported to LAWPRO… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

On parental leave from your private practice? Relax, you’re covered

On parental leave from your private practice? Relax, you’re covered

Lawyers about to become parents sometimes ask about their coverage while on parental leave. The answer is simple: if a lawyer was in private practice before taking the leave and was covered under the Program policy, and then suspends private practice for “family (or illness) reasons” (with intention to return) for up to five years,… Read More »

Categories: LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage

Build good practice habits and avoid malpractice claims: The new lawyer

Build good practice habits and avoid malpractice claims: The new lawyer

You are just beginning to build the habits that can help or hinder your practice in the long term. Consistency in how you deliver service – from the questions you ask at intake to the steps you take when the client leaves the office – is one of the foundations to protect yourself against malpractice… Read More »

Categories: Biggest Claims Risks, Communication Errors, Risk Management Strategies, Limitations Claims, Risk Management & Claims Prevention

How LAWPRO stood up for lawyers in 2016

How LAWPRO stood up for lawyers in 2016

The great majority of claims reported to LawPRO are either abandoned, settled, or resolved through mediation or arbitration. But if we hope to preserve reasonable and fair limits on the scope of lawyers’ responsibilities, we must occasionally go to court. Our litigation track record is proof of our sound judgment about when to go to… Read More »

Categories: LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage, Civil Litigation, Limitations Claims

Are individuals acting as general counsel to their law firms required to have LAWPRO insurance?

Are individuals acting as general counsel to their law firms required to have LAWPRO insurance?

While general counsel have been commonplace in corporate settings for years, it is now becoming more common for law firms to have someone working in a “general counsel” capacity. There is a wide variety in the types of work done by law firm general counsel. Among other things, it can involve advice on human resources… Read More »

Categories: LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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