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Work from home technology tips

Work from home technology tips

The rapid shift from office settings to working from home can feel daunting. You might feel as though you need to build everything immediately. But you don’t have to buy a bunch of expensive new technologies all at once. Consider your immediate practice needs, the needs of your staff, and the needs of your clients…. Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology

How to lessen your risk of a malpractice claim when virtually witnessing wills and powers of attorney

How to lessen your risk of a malpractice claim when virtually witnessing wills and powers of attorney

[Updated April 24, 2020] As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on April 7, 2020 the Government of Ontario released an emergency Order temporarily allowing the virtual execution of wills and powers of attorney by means of “audio-visual communication technology” as of that date. On April 22, 2020, a new emergency order was… Read More »

Categories: Wills & Estates

Technology Products for Lawyers and Law Firms

Technology Products for Lawyers and Law Firms

Technology can help lawyers practice more effectively and efficiently. We have created this list of programs, services and apps that can assist with law office tasks, functions, and even help lawyers provide legal advice to clients. You’ll find programs listed here to assist with calendaring, document signing, note taking, social media, video conferencing and much… Read More »

Categories: Legal Technology

Managing Litigation Matters During COVID-19

Managing Litigation Matters During COVID-19

In this unprecedented time of change, you and your clients may be experiencing significant disruptions to normal business. As individuals and businesses adopt physical distancing and certain courts and tribunals have suspended all or certain operations, it is important to discuss the fluid situation with clients and develop strategies to adapt where possible. At the… Read More »

Categories: Civil Litigation

More examples of cyber criminals taking advantage of Covid-19 disruption

More examples of cyber criminals taking advantage of Covid-19 disruption

Cyber criminals are constantly updating their methods to take advantage of current events, and the disruption caused by Covid 19 and many people now working remotely has provided them with a new opportunities, as explained in Beware of cybersecurity risks during COVID-19 and working from home. This CBC News article Email, text message attacks surge… Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

Remote communication and fraud risks in real estate

Remote communication and fraud risks in real estate

In the context of COVID-19, lawyers are often unable to meet in person with their clients. The Law Society of Ontario has temporarily authorized remote verification of client identity and permitted remote commissioning of documents. This information can be found in this FAQ. Remote meetings and remote signing introduce additional fraud risks. Lawyers need to… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate, Fraud Prevention

Video Conferencing Checklist

Video Conferencing Checklist

There are a lot of things lawyers need to keep track of when providing legal services by video conference. This Video Conferencing Checklist (Word doc) will help you consider the steps you need to take before, during, and after a video conference meeting with a client. This Checklist has been modified from one first published… Read More »

Categories: Technology

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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