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New Federal Underused Housing Tax

New Federal Underused Housing Tax

[Update Sept 11/23] Underused Housing Tax penalties and interest waived The deadline for filing under the Underused Housing Tax Act (S.C. 2022, c. 5, s. 10), is April 30th, 2023, however the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has extended the time to file any return and pay any tax to November 1, 2023. For further information… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

August 2, 2022 Notice to the Profession, Parties, Public and the Media

August 2, 2022 Notice to the Profession, Parties, Public and the Media

The Notice to the Profession, Parties, Public and the Media | Superior Court of Justice ( has been amended to clarify parties’ responsibilities in civil and family matters regarding (1) filing books of authorities and facta, (2) providing accurate hearing-time estimates, and (3) bringing to the attention of the court all relevant material facts and… Read More »

Categories: Family Law, Civil Litigation

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Wellness

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Wellness

The legal profession is a stressful one. It can be difficult to manage stress or achieve healthy lifestyles. When we’re stressed, we tend to make mistakes. When we’re stressed, we’re more likely to miss a step, make an error inputting a calendar date, or not take enough time to properly delegate a task to a… Read More »

Categories: Wellness and Balance

Time Management Tips Tuesdays: Email Management

Time Management Tips Tuesdays: Email Management

Email has given the legal profession countless hours saved sending and receiving letters, faxes, phone calls and in-person meetings. But the technology has its downsides. The constant barrage of information is linked to stress and poorer health outcomes, and, as Cal Newport wrote for The New Yorker, is making us miserable. Strong email management skills… Read More »

Categories: Limitations Claims

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Calendaring Tips

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Calendaring Tips

Nobody teaches calendaring in law school, but it’s a key skill. Diarizing deadlines is a must-have skill. This week, here are some basic tips to manage calendaring. Use One Calendar This may sound obvious, but only use one calendar for your practice. Different practice management tools may all have calendars. Best practice is to make… Read More »

Categories: Limitations Claims

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Managing Deadlines

Time Management Tips Tuesdays – Managing Deadlines

When considering taking on a new matter, immediately consider what key deadlines may apply. Limitation periods, contractual limitation periods and other deadlines need to be identified early to protect your client. Use practicePRO’s limitations and notice period resources to help manage these deadlines. Immediately diarize deadlines Immediately put deadlines in your calendar. Calculate with care:… Read More »

Categories: Limitations Claims

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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