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LAWPRO Magazine archive: Strategic Outsourcing – Thinking Differently About the Delivery of Legal Services

This article appeared in the July 2009 “Changing Direction” issue of LAWPRO Magazine. All Magazine articles can be found at Strategically sourcing legal services may not be a new phenomenon, but the current economic downturn, coupled with the growing realization that the legal profession needs to rethink its business model to survive in the… Read More »

Categories: Law Practice Management

Survey on how lawyers use social media

Lawyers have a reputation of being slow to adopt new technologies, but a new survey done by Attorney at Work shows that when it comes to social media programs that’s not necessarily the case. 340 lawyers replied to their survey, and among the interesting findings are that 91% of them use social media at least… Read More »

Categories: Technology

Four digital security risks at law firms

Joyce Brafford, a Law Practice Management Advisor, reminds lawyers in this LinkedIn article that keeping client information confidential “goes beyond just locked filing cabinets.” She lists four areas in which law firms may not be doing enough to ensure security: passwords, security programs, segregation of data, and encryption. The increased cybersecurity steps she recommends are… Read More »

Categories: Fraud Prevention

Giving Up Solo Practice for Firm Life

When lawyers decide to change the way they practice, it seems to be a more common story that they leave a big firm to strike out on their own, rather than the other way around. LAWPRO even has a questionnaire designed to help those considering sole practice. However, some lawyers do make the opposite change…. Read More »

Categories: Career Management

LAWPRO Magazine archive: The Boomer challenge – Are lawyers ready?

2013 is the first year 500,000 Canadians turned 60. It seems like a good time to revisit this article from five years ago, when the first edge of the Boomers were entering their seventh decade. It examines the implications for lawyers of this large and aging clientele. Click here or on the image above to… Read More »

Categories: Communication Errors, Wills & Estates, Real Estate, Family Law

Coverage exception in title insurance policies catches lenders’ lawyers off guard

This article by Kathleen Waters, President & CEO of LAWPRO, originally appeared in the December 26, 2014 issue of The Lawyers Weekly published by LexisNexis Canada Inc. In September, LAWPRO received an unwelcome surprise – the first in a series of claims based on an exception to coverage in residential lender title insurance policies. That… Read More »

Categories: Real Estate

49 Tips for New Lawyers

Attorney at Work’s “25 Tips for New Lawyers by” by Merrilyn Aston Tarlton has been their second most downloaded document since it was published in 2011, and has now been expanded into “49 Tips for New Lawyers” (note: a free registration to the site is required to download it). It seems to be a popular… Read More »

Categories: Practice Aids

“Taking Control of Stress” by Homewood Human Solutions

LAWPRO believes that helping lawyers improve their personal health and workplace effectiveness can reduce the likelihood of claims, and financially supports the Law Society’s Member Assistance Program (MAP), which is administered by Homewood Human Solutions (HHS). Homewood offers a number of e-Learning Courses that lawyers can do from their desks, and from time to time… Read More »

Categories: Wellness and Balance

Land Acknowledgement

The offices of LAWPRO are located on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee and Wendat peoples. Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit. LAWPRO respects and acknowledges the histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations.

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