Practice Aids
Psychological tips to win over your clients, juries, and judges
Effectively persuading a potential new client, a jury, or an interviewer – and being able to do it time and again – requires a solid understanding of how people make decisions. Persuasion traditionally relies on three techniques, namely: to speak the truth (logos), be credible (ethos), and move your audience emotionally (pathos). Unconscious (cognitive) biases can interfere… Read More »
Categories: Biggest Claims Risks, Communication Errors, Law Practice Management, Practice Aids, Risk Management StrategiesSitting on a non-profit board: A risk management checklist
Serving as a director of a charitable or not-for-profit corporation can be a rewarding but potentially risky experience. A director can be held personally liable for his or her own actions or failures to act, as well as jointly and severally liable with the other members of the board of directors. Directors with specialized knowledge… Read More »
Categories: Practice Aids, Risk Management StrategiespracticePRO Resource: Sample budget spreadsheet
One of the most downloaded resources each year on is our Sample Budget Spreadsheet for law firms. It was created as a supplement to our Managing the Finances of your Practice booklet. A budget is an essential part of any business financial plan, but many lawyers going into business on their own for the… Read More »
Categories: Practice AidsDo you have what it takes to be a sole practitioner?
One-third of the more than 25,500 lawyers in private practice in Ontario are sole practitioners. as a solo, it’s great to have the freedom that comes with being your own boss, but you also have full responsibility for all aspects of the operation of your law practice. Do you have what it takes to be… Read More »
Categories: Practice AidsThe 2016 LAWPRO Magazine student issue is out
The 2016 Student Edition of LAWPRO Magazine (“Moving Into Practice”) is now online and will be arriving in Ontario law schools in the next few weeks. Its the fourth LAWPRO Magazine issue focused on providing students with resources to make the transition from student to lawyer. It also serves as an introduction to LAWPRO and… Read More »
Categories: Career Management, LAWPRO Errors and Omissions Coverage, Legal Technology, Practice Aids, Wellness and BalanceCan you improve the “Contact us” page on your website?
What’s on your firm’s “Contact us” page? Is it just your phone number, address and maybe an initial intake email option? Erika Ritzer, writing in says your page could be made much more inviting and dynamic; anything to make potential clients want to take the final step and get in touch. Below are some… Read More »
Categories: Practice Aids, TechnologyInside the Lawyer’s Mind Part 2: Autonomy
Following up on my previous post on lawyers’ personality traits, we discuss autonomy, a trait that helps lawyers do their job but makes them poor bedfellows in a law firm environment. Dr. Larry Richard states in our LAWPRO magazine article “Herding Cats: The Lawyer Personality Revealed” that studies suggest high achieving lawyers score in the 89th… Read More »
Categories: Career Management, Diversity, Law Practice Management, Practice Aids, Risk Management Strategies, Wellness and BalanceThe Average Lawyer Is 90% More Skeptical Than Everyone Else: what this means for your clients, your colleagues, and your firm.
A skeptical lawyer is a good lawyer. He scrutinizes every line in a contract. He questions the opposing party’s arguments. He looks for hidden motives. He looks at the law with a critical eye. His legal decisions are guided by a healthy pessimism, which helps him guard against mistakes. At the same time, a skeptical… Read More »
Categories: Career Management, Diversity, Fraud Prevention, Law Practice Management, Practice Aids, Wellness and Balance